J4 ›› 2014, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (1): 71-74.
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The sorting and development of Chongqing Anti-Japanese War literature, which has a pivotal significance, could provide a comprehensive and objective first-hand text material. It enriches the connotation of the spiritual home for Chinese nation, strengthens national consciousness and cohesion, and motivates patriotism, enhances cultural identity and national ascription of the people from both mainland and Taiwan. It could also spread the culture of Anti-Japanese War that has been cultivated in the rear area of Chongqing.
Key words: Anti-Japanese War literature, sorting and development, historical value
CLC Number:
WANG Zhao-Hui, WANG Zhu-Kang. Value of Sorting and Developing the Literature of Anti-Japanese War in Chongqing[J]. J4, 2014, 13(1): 71-74.
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