J4 ›› 2014, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (10): 55-57.

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The Application of Shikani Laryngoscope on Trachea Intubation of Elderly Patients with Incisors Situation


  1. Affiliated Hospital of Dali University in Chuxiong, Chuxiong, Yunnan 675000, China
  • Received:2013-12-17 Online:2014-10-15 Published:2014-10-15


Objective: To compare SOS with direct laryngoscope in safety and success rate in terms of their applications on trachea
intubation of elderly patients with incisors situation. Methods: 80 elderly patients undergoing general anesthesia intubation operation
were selected, including 27 cases of teeth loosening, 32 cases of incomplete incisors in, 21 isolated teeth, and they were randomly
divided into SOS group (group S) and direct laryngoscope group (group Z), intravenous anesthesia induction in completed respectively
by SOS and direct laryngoscopy tracheal intubation. Number of intubation, intubation time and complications of intubation conditions
were recorded. Results: Group S had high successful rate (100%) in orotracheal intubation, significantly higher than that in Z group
(45%),and 12 cases in group Z (25%) patients with 3 times of failure of intubation with SOS a successful intubation. In group S, no
patients with intubation operation were caused by the improper incisor injury or loss, while 4 cases in group Z led directly to the incisor
off; 9 cases lead to incisor loose. Group S intubation time was 21(9-58) s, significantly shorter in the Z group 44 (15-65) s (P < 0.05).
Conclusion: For the elderly patients with incisors loose, incomplete, and even the isolated teeth, SOS is a safe and effective method
because of its intubation success rate, shorter time, less intubation complications.

Key words: Shikani laryngoscope, incisors conditions, elderly patients, endotracheal intubation

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