J4 ›› 2014, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (11): 1-4.
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Acarya Avalokitesvara is a very special sort of Buddhist sculptures in the Nanzhao Dali Kingdom period. The study of Acarya Avalokitesvara started late and emphasized too much on the journals, books, pictures and other documents and limited materials. The study neglected the comprehensive collection and classification of basic data and the its research method was too simple and lacked innovation and breakthrough. The combination of the archaeological, ethnological, historical and bibliographical researching method, and the cooperation of experts in different fields with conducting multi-disciplinary and cross-regional study are the keys to the facing problems and the effective breakthrough of current predicament, and are also the thinking and innovation of the idea and method of the study of Nanzhao Dali's history and culture.
Key words: Nanzhao and Dali, Acarya Avalokitesvara, sculpture, inter-discipline, cross-region
CLC Number:
ZHANG Cheng. Current Research and Future Prospect of the Study of the Sculpture of Acarya Avalokitesvara[J]. J4, 2014, 13(11): 1-4.
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