J4 ›› 2014, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (11): 32-35.
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Skopos Theory, domesticating and foreignizing translation strategies are the most commonly used means in translation. The choice of translation strategies always directly reflects translator's objectives and their thoughts which can exactly reveal the application of Skopos Theory in translation. YAN Fu and LIN Shu are the most prestigious Chinese translation masters in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Both of them translated many foreign works out of their great spirit of lofty political ambitions and also for the purpose of social reform. Their translation objectives and thoughts demonstrate the political purpose of translation as well as introduces western cultural thoughts into China through their translation works, which made YAN Fu and LIN Shu great pioneers in the field of translation in China. Although they translated through different text translation perspectives and translation strategies, they shared the common purpose of "enlightening the people". And thus their translation thoughts played the very roles of enlightenment in the history of translation in China.
Key words: translation strategies, domestication, foreignization
CLC Number:
CHEN Zhi-Lan. The Function of Skopos Theory Reflected in the Translation Strategies of LIN Shu and YAN Fu[J]. J4, 2014, 13(11): 32-35.
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