J4 ›› 2014, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (11): 5-8.
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Influenced by the Han genealogy and absorbs traditional Chinese culture at the same time, Bai genealogy possesses its own distinct ethnic characteristics in compilation features of genealogy: space, genre, style, the first compilation time and history; and in content characteristics of genealogy: the origin of Bai surname, naming conventions—Han surname with linking given name between father and son, father and son share the same name and the records written in Bai language, etc. Bai genealogy records, the database of Bai history and culture, which enjoy great research values in the correction of historical data and Bai custom, and the construction of modern family's moral and spiritual civilization.
Key words: Bai genealoge, characteristic, value
CLC Number:
HE Junwei. The Characteristic and Value of Bai Genealogy[J]. J4, 2014, 13(11): 5-8.
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