J4 ›› 2014, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (11): 51-56.
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Practical freedom, as its name suggests, is transcendental freedom of human nature which is achieved in the practice activities. Specifically, it includes two aspects: transcendental freedom as its form and empirical freedom as its content. The former means that although human beings are constrained by the Nature, they have the inherent quality and ability to independently develop a causal relationship which is called the freedom-driven reason because it is the reason of all human beings' causeless thought and behavior. The latter refers to the externalization and realization of transcendental freedom of the will in the empirical world. Marx's Practical Idea of Freedom of the press and publication is a unity of the two. Practical freedom can be found in three Marx's articles about the freedom of the press and publication in which Marx highlights the major practical significance of freedom of the press and publication.
Key words: Marx, practical freedom, freedom of the press and publication, significance
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ZHAO Yingxiang. On the Freedom of the Press and Publication and Its Meaning in Marx's Practical Idea of Freedom[J]. J4, 2014, 13(11): 51-56.
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