J4 ›› 2014, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (11): 64-68.

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YUAN Wenkui and the Complication of DiannanWenlue


  1. YUAN Wenkui was a famous local poet and litterateur during Qing Dynasty. Diannan Wenlue, compiled by YUAN
    Wenkui, clearly illustrates the development of literature and literary in ancient Yunnan. YUAN Wenkui's contribution of collecting
    Yunnan local literature made him the leading man in Yunnan ancient literature collecting and sorting area and a great man in history.
  • Received:2014-06-29 Online:2014-11-15 Published:2014-11-15


YUAN Wenkui was a famous local poet and litterateur during Qing Dynasty. Diannan Wenlue, compiled by YUAN
Wenkui, clearly illustrates the development of literature and literary in ancient Yunnan. YUAN Wenkui's contribution of collecting
Yunnan local literature made him the leading man in Yunnan ancient literature collecting and sorting area and a great man in history.

Key words: YUAN Wenkui, YUAN Wendian, Diannan Wenlue, Diannan Shilue, Yunnan literary world

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