J4 ›› 2014, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (11): 97-100.
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In today's society, innovation and practice ability is an urgent need to talent, especially in engineering industry. In recent years, Mechanical Engineering Department of North China Institute of Aerospace Engineering does practice and research on structuring training mode of integrating " department, teacher, students' science and technology association, and class" together as one based on science and technology competition. This mode includes: the guidance from department—independently building up platform for increasing number of students benefiting from this mode; teacher taking the responsibility—forming the responsibility system of competition teachers and faculty adviser developing students ability on the mode of "subject project, science and technology competition, and graduation project"; the connection of science and technology as sociation—positively functioning the "Three-selfs Education" of students' science and technology association; class supporting-constructing the innovative class, etc.
Key words: science and technology competition, training, university students, innovation and practice ability
CLC Number:
WEI Zixuan, SUN Xiaoli, KANG Huifen. Train University Students' Innovation and Practice Ability by Means of Science and Technology Competition[J]. J4, 2014, 13(11): 97-100.
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