J4 ›› 2014, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (2): 75-77.
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Objective: To explore the impact of a general guidance program for healthy pregnancy on prenatal care and prenatal knowledge. Methods: One hundred pregnant females were divided into interference group(50 cases)and control group(50 cases) according to their personal will. The interference group underwent a guidance program including prenatal training, individual consulting, brochure reading, while the control group only experienced clinical examination and education. Results: Compared with the control group, the interference group showed significantly(P<0.05)higher recognition of prenatal care, acute awareness of high-risk pregnancy and the knowledge of delivery process. Conclusion: The guidance program remarkably improved the knowledge of pregnant women in prenatal care, delivery process, healthy mental and physical maintenance, child-care, while reduced the chances of both postpartum and pregnancy complications.
Key words: pregnant women, health guidance, research
CLC Number:
LU Yu-Miao, YAN Wen-Jing. Comparative Study on the Effect of Health Guidance in Pregnant Women[J]. J4, 2014, 13(2): 75-77.
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