J4 ›› 2014, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (3): 57-60.
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In the late Ming and early Qing Dynasty,Suzhou artist HUANG Xiangjian travelled to Dayao of Yunnan for his parents. He painted a series of landscape paintings on the trip,several of which were based on Dali landscape. The paper applied philosophy and iconography to interpret these works according to the actual appearance of Dali. Focusing on the analysis of the composition,postscript,seals and style,we revealed the spirit of works of HUANG Xiangjian,further pointed out the recognition and appreciation of Dali landscape and culture by literati painters in late Ming dynasty.
Key words: HUANG Xiangjian, travel painting, Dali, landscape painting
CLC Number:
TIAN Zeng-Guang, ZHAO Xue. Research of Dali Landscape Painting of HUANG Xiangjian[J]. J4, 2014, 13(3): 57-60.
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