J4 ›› 2014, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (9): 25-29.
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Chinese traditional villages have historical, cultural, scientific, artistic, social and economical value, so from 2012, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of People's Republic of China, Ministry of Culture of People's Republic of China and Ministry of Finance of People's Republic of China together started to establish a list of Chinese traditional villages . Up till now,there are 1 561 villages on the list according to two rounds' selection. The evaluation system of the selection includes villages' traditional condition, villages' location with structure and villages' intangible cultural heritage. The distribution of Chinese traditional villages in every provinces and every areas in China is unbalanced. The characteristic of distribution is cohesive style in the north and balanced style in the south. There are two factors attributing to this condition: the natural factor is about geographic environments and the amount of ethnic groups' villages; while the human factor is the combination of local people's protective awareness and progress of local modernization, industrialization as well as urbanization.
CLC Number:
YAN Sai. Analysis of the Characteristic and Causes of Chinese Traditional Villages' Distribution[J]. J4, 2014, 13(9): 25-29.
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