J4 ›› 2014, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (9): 42-50.
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Li Zhi's "Childlike Innocence Theory" and Yuan Hongdao's "Personality Theory", put in the literary criticism, have the corresponding literature views, because two theories have a transmissional relationship, in which both of the theories have the similar point of views as well as differences in different places at deep level. For the literature development view, literature creation view, literary aesthetic and popular literature evaluation, both theories have similarities. However, because of the different outlooks on life as the fundamental factor, and the other factors together, there are also differences of detail, focus, creation form etc. The two main views of literature comparative analysis can also contribute to a better understanding of the deep connotation of "Childlike Innocence Theory" and "Personality Theory".
Key words: "Childlike Innocence Theory", "Personality Theory", literary concept, comparison
CLC Number:
ZHANG Yong, WEI Gang. The Comparative Analysis of "Childlike Innocence Theory" and "Personality Theory" as the Main Concept of Literature[J]. J4, 2014, 13(9): 42-50.
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