J4 ›› 2015, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (8): 5-7.
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Objective: To determine the moisture, ashes, and extracts from the Incarvillea mairei to establish the quality standards. Methods: According to the procedures recorded in the Appendix IX H, IX K and X A of 2010 Chinese Pharmacopoeia, moisture, ashes, and extracts of samples were measured respectively. Results: Combining the results of determination, the moisture of Incarvillea mairei was less than 8.0%; the total ashes was less than 6.5%, with the acid insoluble ash content was less than 2.0%, with hot sock method, the content of ethanol extract was higher than 7.5%. Conclusion: The methods can provide reference basis for the Incarvillea mairei quality standards.
Key words: Incarvillea mairei, moisture determination, ashes determination, extract determination
CLC Number:
Tang Yifang, Chen Pengfei, Duan Hongfan, Wu Jinjie, Wang Weiwei, Jiang Wei, Yang. Determination of Moistures, Total Ashes, and Ethanol Extracts from Incarvillea mairei[J]. J4, 2015, 14(8): 5-7.
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