J4 ›› 2015, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (9): 1-6.
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The political ethics of Nanzhao-Dali Kingdom is a part of Chinese traditional ethical thoughts. Its formation is based on the development of economy, ideology, culture, science and technology. It mainly consists of the argumentation of kingship, the combination of Confucianism and Buddhism, the concept of solidifying power, ruling the country by virtue, loving people and treating neighbors kindly, and connecting different countries through marriage. Being inclusive and open, laying stress on reality, and having national identity are its special features.
Key words: Nanzhao, Dali Kingdom, political ethical thoughts
CLC Number:
Lei Xinlai, Li Dawei. Analysis on Political Ethics of Nanzhao-Dali Kingdom[J]. J4, 2015, 14(9): 1-6.
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