J4 ›› 2015, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (9): 22-27.
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MO Yan narrates the event of garlic about the oppressive government driving the people to rebellion in Heaven County according to the individual memory in The Garlic Ballads, presenting another kind of reality in Chinese village in 1980's. This book is the individual writing about Chinese village and peasants' living condition in 1980's based on individual memory and it overturns our symbolized memory of Chinese village in 1980's, which is the deconstruction and reconstruction of the Chinese village in 1980's by MO Yan.
Key words: individual memory, deconstruction reconstruction, The Garlic Ballads
CLC Number:
Zhang Wennuo. On the Deconstruction and Reconstruction of Chinese Villages in 1980's by MO Yan[J]. J4, 2015, 14(9): 22-27.
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