J4 ›› 2015, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (9): 64-68.
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Leba Dance is an ancient and sacred Naxi folk drum dance which is popular in Yulong County in Lijiang. It is full of simple and rich ecological meaning from the external form to spirit. The god-men dialogue form which uses drum as medium, and a large number of vivid bionic dances embody the Naxi people's ecological consciousness of "unity of nature and man". This dance has exotic costumes props, physical appearance filled with wild and simple dance style, and rich harmonious ecological induction force. As a product of ethnic cultural harmony, it plays a significant role in building coexistence of multiple beliefs and multicultural harmony border homes.
Key words: Leba Dance, unity of nature and man, wild and simple, ethnic cultural, life forms
CLC Number:
Jia Man, Xiao Jingbo. The Ecological Implication of Naxi Leba Dance in Lijiang[J]. J4, 2015, 14(9): 64-68.
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