J4 ›› 2016, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (2): 75-78.
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Objective: To observe the clinical efficacy of two different treatments on rheumatoid arthritis. Methods: 120 patients with active rheumatoid arthritis were randomly divided into observation group and control group. Conventional treatment and care of nonsteroidal anti- inflammatory drugs, glucocorticoid, and antirheumatical medicine were conducted to the control group. Chinese medicine liquor inunction were additionally used on the basis of the conventional treatment and nursing for the treatment group. Results: In the observation group, pain reduced after a week and disappeared after 2 weeks. The efficiency was significantly higher than that of the control group(P<0.05), with lessoned joint pain, joint swelling and pressed pain. Patient could conduct joint function exercise early. Conclusion: Combined treatment of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine of rheumatoid arthritis has good curative effect, with early relieved sympotoms and reduced joint pain and swelling. It could significantly improve patients' compliance to the treatment and caring. It could also control and delay the destruction of the joints and the development of the disease, and improve patient's quality of life.
Key words: rheumatoid arthritis(RA), traditional Chinese medicine liquor inunction, curative effects
CLC Number:
Zhang Yiwen. Curative Effects of Chinese Medicine Liquor Inunction on Rheumatoid Arthritis[J]. J4, 2016, 15(2): 75-78.
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