›› 2017, Vol. 2 ›› Issue (2): 93-95.

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Investigation on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder of International Students


  1. (Dali University, Dali, Yunnan 671003, China)
  • Received:2016-03-30 Revised:2016-09-27 Online:2017-02-15 Published:2017-02-15


Objective: To analyze the characteristics of post-traumatic stress disorder of international students. Methods: Civilian
version post- traumatic stress disorder survey scale(PCLS- C) was used in the survey in Yunnan University, Yunnan Normal
University, and Dali University. Results: There are regional differences, intercollegiate differences, gender differences, age differences,
educational differences and cause differences in the international students' positive predictive value of PTSD. And the regional
differences, intercollegiate differences, gender differences and cause differences are statistically significant(P<0.05). Conclusion:
The PTSD positive detection rate of those who lived in the closer distance to where disaster occurred, and those who directly or
indirectly underwent a disaster, as well as the female international students was rather higher. The PTSD positive detection rate of those
who have relatively more mature psychology, more abundant knowledge, better ability structure was rather lower. We should improve
international students' psychological quality, perfect their knowledge and ability structure, improve their ability to cope with sudden
catastrophic event. We should pay special attention and give special support to the post-traumatic stress disorder of young international
students, undergraduate international students, and female international students.

Key words: international student, post-traumatic stress disorder, social support

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