›› 2017, Vol. 2 ›› Issue (4): 66-68.
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Objective: To compare the results of two preparation methods of whole blood hemolytic blood in detection of HbA1c and to further prove the necessity of wiping the blood on suction head before detecting. Methods: 37 cases in physical examination for HbA1c detection in Kungang Hospital as the samples. The mean value of three detection results had been used in statistical analysis. Results: The comparison of the mean value of Hb and HbA1c showed significant differences in statistic(P<0.05), while the comparison of the mean value of HbA1c% had no significant differences in statistic(P>0.05). Conclusion: There is no necessity of wiping the blood on suction head preparing whole blood hemolytic blood in the detection of HbA1c.
Key words: preparation of whole blood hemolytic blood, two methods, detection of HbA1c, result comparison
CLC Number:
Lyu Jingliang. Study on Two Preparation Methods of Whole Blood Hemolytic Blood in Detection of HbA1c[J]. , 2017, 2(4): 66-68.
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