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 An Exploration and Practice of National Traditional Culture Protection Areas
——A Case Study of Huanzhou Big Village in Wuding County, Yunnan Province

 Li Ran, Li Xingjun   

  1.  College of Ethnology and Sociology, South-Central University For Nationalities
  • Online:2017-05-15 Published:2017-05-15
  • Supported by:

Abstract:  The national traditional culture protection area is an effective model for the protection of intangible cultural heritages and
traditional villages in Yunnan province. Huanzhou big village is a typical case in Yunnan province for the establishment of national
traditional culture protection area in poor mountainous areas. According to the survey, establishing national traditional cultural
protection areas in poor mountainous areas is often faced with difficulties such as damaged village appearance, dirty, disorderly and
bad environment, serious aging of the population, and monotonous means of livelihood, etc. Therefore, in order to establish a national
culture reserve in such poor mountainous areas, the author thinks that attention should be paid to the following four aspects: respecting
the wishes of the villagers, which is the basis of success; improving the means of livelihood, which is the premise of success; perfecting
the implementation plan of the program and clarifying ideas, tasks and goals of the construction practice, which is the guarantee of
success; and adhering to the principle that the program is "conducted by villagers, guided by experts and led by the government",
which is the key to success.


Key words:  national traditional culture protection area, Huanzhou big village, exploration, practice

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