›› 2018, Vol. 3 ›› Issue (4): 64-68.

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A Study of the Association Between 3'UTR Polymorphisms of NRAMP1 Gene and Susceptibility to Pulmonary Tuberculosis Among Bai Nationality


  1. (Department of Respiratory, The First Affiliated Hospital of Dali University, Dali, Yunnan 671000, China)
  • Received:2018-03-28 Online:2018-04-15 Published:2018-04-15


Objective: To explore the correlation between the genetic polymorphism of NRAMP1 3'UTR and the susceptibility to pulmonary tuberculosis of Bai nationality in Dali. Methods: PCR-RFLP was used to analyze NRAMP1 3'UTR polymorphism of 191 TB-positive and 193 healthy people of Bai nationality living in Dali in order to study whether the gene polymrphism was correlated with the susceptibility to pulmonary tuberculosis among Bai nationality. A follow- up study was also conducted after one- month treatment to analyze whether the curative effects of treatment was correlated with the gene polymorphism. Results: Both AA and GA at NRAMP1 3'UTR(OR=2.208 and 3.373, 95% CI=[1.343-3.630]and[1.114-10.210])were risk factors for a higher TB morbidity among Bai people. And the A allele was positively correlated with the pulmonary tuberculosis morbidity of Bai nationality(OR=2.219, 95% CI=[1.470-3.349]). However, there was no statistically significant difference among the side -effect kinds and degrees after antituberculosis therapy(P>0.05). Conclusion: The polymorphism of NRAMP1 3'UTR is possibly associated with the susceptibility to pulmonary tuberculosis among Bai nationality of Dali. However, the side-effects of antituberculosis therapy do not appear to be
related to the genetic polymorphism of NRAMP1 3'UTR.

Key words: NRAMP1 gene, Bai nationality of Dali, pulmonary tuberculosis, gene polymorphism

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