J4 ›› 2013, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (10): 62-64.
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Cultural globalization is becoming more frequently with the development of economic globalization, and the internationalization of higher education is an irresistible trend of the world today. Dali University has made brilliant achievements by seizing the opportunity to implement the "going out" strategy, and carry out international exchanges and cooperation actively. The faculty of Sports Science follows this trend through the modules of teacher and students’exchange, academic exchanges, cultural exchanges and events exchange to promote the education and teaching of our faculty, and to enhance the school's strength, built a good basis for better international education.
Key words: higher education internationalization, international exchanges and cooperation, sports culture, prospect
CLC Number:
WANG Hong, LU Guo-Tian, LIU Wei-Hong. The Prospect about the International Exchange and Cooperation of Faculty of Sports Science in Dali University[J]. J4, 2013, 12(10): 62-64.
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