J4 ›› 2013, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (10): 66-68.
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This paper attempts to analyze extracurricular physical exercises of college students in China and Thailand by using the method of literature study, questionnaires, expert interview, and mathematical statistics. The following conclusions are drawn after analysis: the number of Thai students who hold positive attitudes towards extracurricular physical exercises is larger than that of Chinese students. More Thai students prefer to take part in extracurricular physical exercises more than 30 minutes each time. Thai students have more diversity in choosing forms and contents of extracurricular physical exercises and have stronger sports consumption awareness than Chinese students. The investigations reveal that lack of sports field and facilities, and lack of guidance are the first two factors influencing and constraining extracurricular physical exercises for Chinese students, while for Thai students, lack of time under study pressure and lack of sports field are major constraints. According to the investigations and analyses, some recommendations are put forward to improve extracurricular physical exercises of Chinese college students. Chinese universities should attach importance to the construction of sports field and facilities, strengthen physical education in fundamental education stage, construct the physical education pattern of the integration of PE class and extracurricular physical exercises and optimize campus sports culture environment.
Key words: China and Thailand, college students, extracurricular physical exercises, contrastive study
CLC Number:
WANG Jian-Chao, WANG Sheng-Wei. A Contrastive Study on Extracurricular Physical Exercises of College Students in China and Thailand[J]. J4, 2013, 12(10): 66-68.
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