J4 ›› 2013, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (11): 17-20.
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The painting art has gained great admiration in the Tibetan Buddhism. With rich religious colors, distinct ethnic characteristics,strong symbolic meanings and abundant aesthetic connotations, the"eight lucky images", which belongs to the buddhist painting culture, has become a unique art category used to reflect the Tibetan people's costumes and their auspicious wishes, and it has been deeply loved by these people for a very long time. This paper mainly introduces the origin of the "eight lucky images" in the traditional Tibetan mural culture of Diqing, its cultural connotation as well as its inheritance and development.
Key words: ethnic culture, eight lucky images, auspicious wishes
CLC Number:
JIA Man, WANG Sun-Ying. The Cultural Explanation of the Tibentan Mural of "Eight Lucky Images"[J]. J4, 2013, 12(11): 17-20.
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