J4 ›› 2013, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (11): 21-25.
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In recent years, every county of Dali acts in accordance with the development train of thought that includes "ecological priority,stable agricultural states, powerful industrial state, cultural prosperity state, tourism flourishing state, regional harmony state " to ensure steady economic growth and ecological harmony of the human environment. But the county's economic development capacity is weak. The unbalance of regional economy development existed all the way. If Dali economy is to achieve leapfrog development, we must break the pattern of“single-core push" in Dali, enhance the capacity of the county's economic development.
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SHEN Chao-Hua, ZHAO Jin-Yuan, LI Qiong. Study on County Economy Development Capacity of Dali[J]. J4, 2013, 12(11): 21-25.
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