J4 ›› 2013, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (11): 39-41.
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Culture is the core of brand value, and brand positioning is the foundation of improving such value. Yunnan National minority cultures of medication dates back to the distant past. On the current situation of ethnical medical branding bottleneck, the paper digs and refines the own unique cultural characteristics of minority cultures of medication by using means-end theory, constructs the brand culture positioning model of Yunnan Ethno medicine, which includes refining cultural values,transferring various benefits and selecting attributes feature to promote healthy and sustainable development of Yunnan ethno medicine industry.
Key words: Yunnan ethno medicine, means-end theory, brand culture positioning
CLC Number:
SUN Yan-Ling, ZHANG Wei. Yunnan Ethno Medicine Brand Culture Positioning Based on the Means-end Theory[J]. J4, 2013, 12(11): 39-41.
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