J4 ›› 2013, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (11): 33-38.
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There is an increasing prominent conflict between the rapid development of urban city and cultivated land resources, environmental protection, and city construction in hilly area has become a solution to the development and protection as a new model.At present, Dali city construction has achieved an initial success. However, there is still great difficulty in land exploitation as well as the problems of infrastructure lag and "bottleneck" policy. In order to achieve a double-win in development and protection, the following is needed in terms of innovation mechanism, investment increase, strengthening supervision, ecology balance, creating characteristics,enhancing the aggregation effect, deepening reform, promoting propaganda to agriculture and accelerating the development of Dali city construction in hilly area.
Key words: Dali prefecture, hilly area, urbanization, exploration
CLC Number:
TANG Xiao-Ling. Exploration and Reflection of Dali City Construction in Hilly Area[J]. J4, 2013, 12(11): 33-38.
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