J4 ›› 2013, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (11): 52-58.
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Under the leadership of the US, western countries never give up the ideological output to communist countries and other nations.The history and reality proves that the western world tries to peacefully transform other countries,and break the boundaries of other countries through ideological field. Financial crisis beginning from the US affected the world significantly, and weakened the overall strength of the developed world, which leads to the doubt on the western values and shakes the leadership status of the US. In order to recover the image of a great nation and regain the global leadership, the US and other western countries increase the ideological output into other countries, especially China. Facing the complex global situation, reinforcing the construction of ideological security is emergent.
Key words: western countries, ideology, output
CLC Number:
FANG Guang-Shun, YANG Xiao-Guang. The Feature of the Western Ideological Output and the Solutions[J]. J4, 2013, 12(11): 52-58.
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