J4 ›› 2014, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (1): 27-31.
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Human capital is a kind of special capital that is different from material capital. Using dialectics to analyze its characteristics is conductive to developing it scientifically. The dialectical unification between its biological and social properties requires the uniformity of development purpose and developers' subjective initiatives; the dialectical unification between its quantity attributes and quality attributes requires a control over population and improvement of the quality of the whole people; the dialectical unification between its time and space quality requires free, orderly and reasonable flow and distribution of human capital so that everybody can fully display his talents; the dialectical unification between its production and consummation properties requires full play of its production on the basis of satisfying the needs of people; the dialectical unification between its timely and renewable characteristics requires full and effective use of present human capital to push the sustainable development of the society; the dialectical unification between its exclusive and universal qualities requires all-around development of people as well as improvement of their professional skills.
Key words: human capital, attributive analysis, development
CLC Number:
YANG Yan-Chi. Dialectical Analysis and Scientific Development of the Characteristics of Human Capital[J]. J4, 2014, 13(1): 27-31.
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