J4 ›› 2014, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (2): 30-33.
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Objective: To systematically study the pharmacognosy of Osbeckia crinita Benth.. Methods: Source identification, character identification, microscopic identification and physical and chemical identification were applied in the study. Results: Pharmacognostic character, transverse section, powder characteristics and physical and chemical discrimination of O. crinita were examined Detailedly. Conclusion: The study could provide theoretical basis for pharmacognostic identification, formulation of quality standards, as well as further development and utilization of Osbeckia crinita Benth..
Key words: Osbeckia crinita Benth., pharmacognostical study, microscopic identification
CLC Number:
CHEN Ying-Zhi, LI Qin-Mei, ZHANG Zu-Zhen, YANG Yue-E. Pharmacognostical Study on Osbeckia crinita Benth.[J]. J4, 2014, 13(2): 30-33.
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