J4 ›› 2014, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (2): 34-36.
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Objective: To understand the influence of pharmaceutical policy on the usage of essential drugs. Methods: The total changes of the essential drugs were compared before and after the zero-difference sales, and the categories and sales amount of 10 drug types of anti-microbial class, cardiovascular system, digestive system were compare before after the zero-difference sales. Results: The policy of zero-difference sale of essential drugs was good for the spread of the essential drugs. Conclusion: The utilization of essential drugs could be improved through the improve ment of basic drug system and its supporting policies, and as well as the strengthening of the super vision and physician training.
Key words: essential drugs, zero-difference sale, usage status
CLC Number:
LI Wan-Yu, XING Yue-Jiao, YANG Xiao-Li. Usage Investigation of the Zero Differences before and after the Sale of Essential Drugs in a Second-Class Hospital[J]. J4, 2014, 13(2): 34-36.
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