J4 ›› 2015, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (3): 11-17.
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Qiaohou Town in Eryuan County in Dali is a typical poor minority mountainous area with rich minority culture resources. However, with the development of time, the local traditional culture inheritance method and the field—family, society and school changed greatly. At the same time, the inheritance of minority culture is facing a series problems: the lack of family education, the weakening of social education, deviation of mass media, poor performance of school education, on- going government poverty alleviation, and the lack of minority cultural talents, etc. At present, there is a need to improve the understanding of the importance of inheriting culture, strengthen government's function and school's function of inheriting culture, and enhance the heritage of minority culture in poor mountainous areas from four aspects through tourism.
Key words: poor mountainous area, minority culture, inherit, method
CLC Number:
Zhu Fang. Study of Minority Cultural Heritage in Poor Mountainous Areas: Take Qiaohou Town in Eryuan County in Dali as an Example[J]. J4, 2015, 14(3): 11-17.
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