J4 ›› 2015, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (7): 63-68.
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As a necessary component of social facilitation, government leading and residents autonomy co-exist in modern society. The cooperation is essential for China, and an important part of "Five- in- One" which is a feature of Socialism with Chinese characteristic. As a west minority area, Chuxiong Yi Autonomous Prefecture becomes a late comer in community construction with both progress and problems, such as excessive political processes, weak public service, and lack of autonomous residents' public participation. Starting with a practical survey and the analysis of existing problems, this paper concludes that it's necessary to realize the positive interaction between government leading and residents autonomy through changing government functions, improving community service function, and encouraging residents to participant the activities of community.
Key words: community construction, government leading, residents autonomy, positive interactions
CLC Number:
Liu JIanxin, He Yan, Luo Qin. Research on Positive Interaction between Government Leading and Residents Autonomy in Community Construction[J]. J4, 2015, 14(7): 63-68.
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