J4 ›› 2015, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (7): 69-73.
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The great development of education in Yunnan during Ming and Qing Dynasties has impelled the profound transformation of Yunnan culture. Academy, as a special form of education organization, has played a prominent role in associating ancient educational systems, making up for a lack of public education, and laying the foundation of modern school system. Meanwhile, it forms a unique cultural adjustment in terms of school run by public and private, transmission and teaching systems with emphasizing on the morality and talent, and the combination of lecture and research. Therefore, it promotes the transition of Yunnan culture to Confucianism and is of significance to cultural development and education reform of Yunnan.
Key words: Yunnan academies, educational status, cultural adjusting mechanism
CLC Number:
He Zhikui. The Educational Status of Yunnan Academies in Ming and Qing Dynasties and Its Cultural Adjusting Mechanism[J]. J4, 2015, 14(7): 69-73.
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