J4 ›› 2015, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (8): 45-48.
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Objective: To investigate the phenotypes of choroids plexus papiloma in CT, MRI and comparatively analyze them with pathologic manifestations so as to understand this disease. Methods: A retrospective analysis of CT and MRI phenotype was applied in 19 cases of choroids plexus papilloma, confirmed by surgery and pathology, among which 5 cases were checked with CT, 10 with MRI, 4 with CT and MRI. Image finding was compared with pathological result. Results: There were 13 cases of tumor in the fourth ventricle, 5 in the lateral ventricle, 1 in cerebellum pontine angle;there were 18 cases of papillary tumor margins or ovulated, 13 cases of tumor enhancement after internal mulberry-like or granular enhanced in MRI; And there were 6 cases of tumor lesions calcification, 2 of hemorrhage, 18 of hydrocephalus. There were 14 cases of tumor diagnosis choroids plexus papilloma(grade I), 5 cases diagnosis atypical choroids plexus papilloma(II level)in pathological diagnosis. Conclusion: A close link exists in imaging performance and pathological features of choroids plexus papilloma, pathological features could help us understand imaging performance.
Key words: choroids plexus papilloma, tomography, X-ray computed, magnetic resonance imaging
CLC Number:
Jiang Chaomei, Luo Lin, Chen Guoyun, Chen Xiaodong. Comparative Analysis of Imaging Diagnosis and Pathological Diagnosis in Choroid Plexus Papilloma[J]. J4, 2015, 14(8): 45-48.
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