J4 ›› 2015, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (8): 53-56.

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Analysis of the Epidemiological Features of Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Heqing County from 2005 to 2013


  1. (Center for Disease Control and Prevention of Heqing County, Heqing, Yunnan 671500, China)
  • Received:2014-06-23 Online:2015-08-15 Published:2015-08-15


Objective: To find out the epidemiological features of pulmonary tuberculosis in Heqing County from 2005 to 2013 and to
provide basis for a further control of the outbreak. Methods: Descriptive epidemiological method was applied to analyze the TB cases
registered during 2005 and 2013. Results: One thousand one hundred and eighty TB cases were registered in the whole county during
2005 and 2013. Male patients were 1.97 times of women patients; and it focused on people at 25 to 64 years old(71.2%), peaks at 45
to 54 years old, rural patients topped the list(88.22%); elderly population above 65 years old accounted for 17.2%, students patients
ranked second(3.73%). Conclusion: Rural population is still the focus of TB control in Heqing County. And meanwhile TB should be
controlled and surveyed at school and among elderly population.

Key words: tuberculosis, epidemiology, characteristics, analysis

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