西南石油大学学报(社会科学版) ›› 2022, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (6): 74-85.DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5094.2022.03.28.04

• 政治与法律 • 上一篇    下一篇


王学辉, 唐成余   

  1. 西南政法大学行政法学院, 重庆 渝北 401120
  • 收稿日期:2022-03-28 发布日期:2022-12-29
  • 通讯作者: 唐成余(1998-),男(汉族),重庆合川人,硕士研究生,研究方向:宪法学、行政法学。
  • 作者简介:王学辉(1965-),男(汉族),四川仪陇人,教授,硕士,研究方向:行政法学、行政诉讼法学。
  • 基金资助:

Pilot Practice of Prepositioning of Administrative Reconsideration System

WANG Xuehui, TANG Chengyu   

  1. School of Administrative Law, Southwest University of Political Science and Law, Yubei Chongqing, 401120, China
  • Received:2022-03-28 Published:2022-12-29

摘要: 近年来,推动行政复议成为化解行政争议主渠道的呼声越来越高。早期的行政复议制度存在同案不同判、中立性无法保证等弊端,导致其公信力较弱。实现行政复议成为化解行政争议的主渠道,核心要义是完善行政复议制度,首要课题是恢复行政复议制度的公信力。从长远来看,应将行政复议前置制度视为一项试验手段,通过确立行政复议前置标准逐步扩大行政复议前置的适用范围,重建行政复议的制度公信力。结合行政复议前置的判定标准和行政行为的现实特征,当前可以将政府信息公开行为、负担行政行为、授益行政行为等具体行政行为确定为行政复议前置的试验领域。

关键词: 行政争议化解, 行政复议, 复议前置, 复议衔接, 行政诉讼

Abstract: In recent years, appeals for resolving administrative disputes by means of administrative reconsideration is getting louder. But, due to the disadvantages of "different judgments in the same case" and the inability to guarantee neutrality in the practice of the administrative reconsideration system at earlier time, the credibility of the administrative reconsideration system is weakened. The essence of administrative dispute resolution through administrative reconsideration is the improvement of the administrative reconsideration system. The primary issue to be solved is to restore the credibility of the administrative reconsideration system, which can be done through pilot practice of prepositioning of reconsideration system.to promote the practice of the administrative reconsideration system. Considering the criteria of reconsideration system prepositioning and characteristics of administrative behaviors, we suggest experimenting prepositioning of reconsideration system in cases of government information disclosure, benefit-infringing and benefit-rendering administrative acts.

Key words: administrative dispute resolution, administrative reconsideration, prepositioning of administrative reconsideration, transition from administrative reconsideration to administrative procedure, administrative procedure
