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Energy Cooperation Between India and Saudi Arabia: Favorable  Conditions and Challenges

Xiao Jun   

  1. Faculty of Political Science,Chengdu University,Chengdu Sichuan,610106,China
  • Online:2015-11-01 Published:2015-11-01


With the promotion of new economic policy,India is in increasingly greater demand for energy,which cannot be
satisfied by its domestic energy reserves. In order to get out of this dilemma,India constantly promotes its cooperation with
countries rich in energy resources. Saudi Arabia is India’s important energy cooperation country with particularly favorable
natural conditions of rich energy resources. The good political relations,the steady development of economic and trade relations
between the two countries,and emphases on the development of bilateral relations from a strategic perspective by both sides,
are contributing to a closer relationship in trade and investment in the energy sector between the two countries. However,energy
cooperation between the two is restricted by the energy censorship,religious culture,and domestic situation of Saudi Arabia.
Now,India and Saudi Arabia are inspecting the bilateral energy cooperation from a strategic perspective,so as to create a good
condition to further promote energy cooperation between the two countries.

Key words: India, Saudi Arabia, energy demand, energy cooperation, energy trade

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