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Rural “Flash Marriage” : “Native Marriage” in the Patriarchy Culture
—A Case Study of Village D of Anyi County

LIU Sheng   

  1. College of Humanities and Development, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China
  • Online:2014-05-01 Published:2014-05-01


This paper analyzes contributing factors of localization of flash marriages from the perspective of patriarchy, framed by cultural networks of power, which are based on the “organization system” of clans and human relationships, and “symbolic system”, which is constructed by kinship and face system. We believe that traditional patriarchy culture does not vanish under the impact of modern thoughts, but continues to play a role in the countryside nowadays. As we known, migrant working economy has limited young people’s time to go home. Against such background, the elder generations, which were deeply affected by patriarchy thoughts, use the didactic power to discipline youth’s choice of mate and their mate selection location and form the native marriage circle in order to ensure the continuity of clan. As a result, young people’s time and place of mate selection only overlap briefly in their annual vacation, which means their mate selection time is cut down sharply. Thus a new way of mate selection has emerged — “flash marriage”(get married quickly).


Key words:  rural marriage, marriage circle, patriarchy, native marriage, flash marriage