Journal of Southwest Petroleum University(Social Sciences Edition) ›› 2022, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (4): 46-52.DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5094.2021.12.01.03

• POLITICS AND LAW • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Three Connotations of the CPC's Great Spirit of Party Building in the New Era

YANG Fan   

  1. School of Marxism, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou Fujian, 350108, China
  • Received:2021-12-01 Published:2022-07-04

Abstract: In the past 100 years, the Communist Party of China has formed the great spirit of party building in the practice of the original mission of revolution, construction and reform. General Secretary Xi Jinping condensed the connotation of the great spirit of Party building as "upholding truth and ideals,staying true to its original aspiration and founding mission,fighting bravely without fear of sacrifice, and remaining loyal to the Party and faithful to the people", which is the innate legacy from the hundred years of the Communist Party of China. The great spirit of party building has nourished the belief of the Communist Party of China in upholding truth and ideals, the standpoint of staying true to its original aspiration and founding mission and faithful to the people,and the revolutionary tradition of fighting bravely without fear of sacrifice. In the historical starting point for the two hundred-year goal, it is of great significance to systematically sort out and summarize the connotations of the great Party building spirit of the Communist Party of China, which is of great significance in telling the Chinese stories and uniting Chinese strength, and in advancing onto a new journey.

Key words: Chinese Communist Party, the great spirit of Party building, Chinese story, Chinese strength, revolutionary tradition

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