西南石油大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2019, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (3): 151-159.DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2018.11.16.01

• OIL AND GAS ENGINEERING • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Method for Reconstructing Relative Permeability Curves Based on Flooding Effect

LI Jinyi, DUAN Yu, ZHOU Fengjun, ZHU Wensen, XIN Zhaoling   

  1. Bohai Oilfield Petroleum Research Institue, CNOOC China Limited, Tianjin Branch, Tanggu, Tianjin 300459, China
  • Received:2018-11-16 Online:2019-06-10 Published:2019-06-10

Abstract: Targeting the problem of difficulty in summarizing the influence of reservoir flooding on the laws of formation fluid seepage, a study on the influence of the flooding effect on oil-water relative permeability curve was conducted. The study used core samples from confined coring wells in Oilfield LD, which is an unconsolidated sand reservoir of thin oil rims, typically found in the Bohai Sea, and in Oilfield Q of heavy oil rims. Based on the influence of flooding effect on relative permeability, parameters characterizing the infiltration curves under different degrees of flooding were extracted and regrouped to construct the "full life cycle" oil-water relative permeability curves of the two types of reservoirs by considering the flooding effect. Experimental results show that, compared with the oil-water relative permeability curves of unflooded and weakly flooded samples, oil-water relative permeability curves obtained from layers that underwent medium to heavy flooding had higher saturation of the bound water and lower saturation of the residual oil with higher oil displacement efficiency, and their points of equivalent permeability were closer to the right. Reconstructed relative permeability curves that consider the flooding effect had lower saturation of residual oil and bound water than those that do not. When they both had the same water saturation, their two-phase relative permeability showed an overall downward trend with an enhanced oil displacement efficiency at the end. Applying the reconstructed relative permeability that considered the flooding effect into numerical simulation for Oilfield Q led to an improvement in the recovery percentage of almost 1% at 98% water content.

Key words: unconsolidated sand reservoir, confined coring well, flooding, fresh sample, relative permeability, high water content

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