西南石油大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 1997, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (3): 115-118.DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1997.03.025

• 计算机应用、管理科学 • Previous Articles     Next Articles

The System Model of Production and Management Planning and Decision Makingon the Refiners

Liu Xian-tao Guo Xiao-jun Yonng Qi-dong LiGuang-yao   

  1. (Dept. of Economic Management, SWPI, Sichuan, 637001)
  • Received:1995-06-09 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1997-08-20 Published:1997-08-20
  • Contact: Liu Xian-tao

Abstract: The unified development of an enterprise is a programme that considers comprehensively all affecting factors on the inside and the outside. This planmakes the concrete and overall arrangements for an important profuction and management action and all kinds of natural resources of an enterprise in time and apace. This unified development plan is both a concrete practice of an enterprise s management strategy(policy, objective and step) and an action programme and essential basis of all production and management actions of an enterprise. It is of important sig-nifiance to work out scientifically and reasonablly an enterprise s unified development plan in order to maintain a long-term and steady development and increase total economic benefits. This paper researches the planning and decision making problems of the refiners, and establishes the corresponding system model by using systematic dy-namic and liner-programming principles. The corresponding software is also designed for specific planning, and the result is applied to practice.

Key words: Fefiner, System design, Liner-Programming, Decision, Model

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