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    20 August 1997, Volume 19 Issue 3
    Applying Simulated Annealing Combinatorial Optimization Algorithm to ReservoirStochastic Modeling
    Zhang Yong-gui Chen Ming-qiang Li Yun Hu Sou-quan
    1997, 19(3):  1-7.  DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1997.03.001
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    Exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons involve multiple disciplines. Each of these disciplines supplies data in different way, in different scale ( support ), in different resolution and in different reliability. To integrate mul-
    tiple disciplines data in a numerical reservoir model is a tendency of reservoir modeling at present day. This paper discusses the methods of and problems encountered in applying simulated annealing combinatorial optimization al-
    gorithm to reservoir stochastic conditional simulation, which include the methods of constructing and updating ob-ject function, choosing initial state, perturbing mechanism, annealing schedule and integrating data from differ-
    ent sources. Over other reservoir stochastic modeling techniques, two principal advantages of simulated annealing method are that it can integrate different kinds of data more feasibly and can keep reservoir spatial structure more accurately. Its main disadvantage is the vast amount of CPU time needed.

    The Source of Formation Damage—Definition, Mechanism and Descriptive System
    Kang Yi-li Luo Ping-ya Gao Yue-you
    1997, 19(3):  8-13.  DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1997.03.002
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    The source of formation damage ( SFD ) is defined as materials which cause changes in pore structure and de-creases in permeability during well drilling, completion and production due to alterations of reservoir components
    and / or interactions between reservoir components and the working fluids. SFD can be divided into three parts:inner SFD, outer SFD and complex SFD. The inner SFD is inherent; the outer SFD is introduced by working
    fluids, while the complex SFD is a result of interaction of the two mentioned above. Studies of formation damage mechanism indicate that SFD is a complicated system with clear structures and functions. And such a system can be better studied using the five-level description scheme proposed in this paper.
    Genesis of Oil and Gas and Distribution of Gas Condensate Reservoirs in Putaohua Formation in Gulong Area, Songliao Basin
    Li Yanjun Chen Yicai Zhu Jiang
    1997, 19(3):  14-19.  DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1997.03.003
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    A synthetic study was carried out on the sources and genesis of gas condensate, light oil and gas in the Putaohua Formation in Gulong area of northern Songliao Basin, using principally light hydrocarbons and biomarkers. Theresults indicate that the oil and gas in the Putaohua Formation in this area are mainly related to highly-mature sapropelic source rocks of Oinshankou Group in Qijia-Gulong Depression, with some of the light oil and gas from
    the local contribution of Yaojia Group mudrocks. The formation and distribution of gas condensate reservoirs in the Putaohua Formation are also discussed.

    The Basic Characteristics and Exploration Potential of Jinnan Subbasin
    Tang Bang-zhong Tang Jian-fu Wang Xiu Li -Meng
    1997, 19(3):  20-23.  DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1997.03.004
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    The Jinnan subbasin is a typical half-graben formed in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic. Within the subbasin there are three good source beds which contribute to the occurrence of six source-reservoir-cap combinations. Multiple
    tectonic movements have favored the formation of a variety of types of oil and gas pools in the subbasin. Commer-cial oil and gas have been found within the buried hill as well as in the 2nd and 3rd members of the Paleogene
    Shahejie Formation ( Es2+3 ), indicating good exploration potential of the subbasin.

    On the Variation of Sediment Supply for Xiaermen Oilfield
    Feng Yi
    1997, 19(3):  24-27.  DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1997.03.005
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    There have existed different opinions upon the provenance of the Xiaermen oilfield, Henan. Previous interpreta-tions suggest either a southeast, or a north, or a northwest source area, and this has severely restricted explo-
    ration and development performance in the oilfield. On the basis of a comprehensive study of the paleogeo-morphologic and sedimentologic character of Xiaermen area, an analysis of the previous interpretations is made in this paper. And it is then pointed out that, from the deep sequence to the shallow sequence, the sediment supply has changed from coming from a southeast provenance to coming from a northwest provenance.

    The Rheological Behavior of Hydrolixed Partially Polyacrylamide (HPAM) Solutions in Reservoir
    Chen Tie-long Pu Wan-fen Ping Ke-zhong Ye Zhong-bin
    1997, 19(3):  28-34.  DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1997.03.006
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    The in-situ rheological behavior of HPAM solutions is an important input requirement of reservoir simulation of polymer flooding and governs the performance and economics of the process. The rheological behavior of hy-
    drolized partially polyacrylamide(HPAM) solutions in reservoir core samples was investigated at 70℃. Using core-flow tests the effective viscosity of HPAM solutions in core with permeabilities of 0.024 to 1.252(m was de-termined and compared with bulk viscosity of the solutions for a wide range of concentrations(400-1200ppm) and molecular weights(9×1019×10). The effective viscosity of the solutions is composed of the individual con-
    tributions of shear viscosity and extensional viscosity. The extensional viscosity was obtained by comparing the shear viscosity measured in rotational viscosimeter with the effective viscosity in cores.The experimental results indicate that shear viscosity governs the flow behavior at low flow rates.However when a critical rate is attained,extensional viscosity becomes dominant. The shear viscosity in core samples can be well predicated by capillary bundle model. The extensional viscosity is a exponential function of the apparent shear rates in cores. The exten-sional viscosity increases with the increasing of molecular weight and concentration of the HPAM solutions,and with the decreasing of permeability of core samples.
    Study on Water Quality Strategy for Conpatiabli Wataer Injection in Sandstones,
    Li Hai-tao Li Hong-jian Zhao Min
    1997, 19(3):  35-42.  DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1997.03.007
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    Keeping injection water well compatiable with rocks and fluids in sandstone oil bears(especially for mid-and low-permeability is very important for reservoir pressure maintenance during waterflooding, and the extend of com-patibility is directly involving with the well injectivity. The water quality specifications must be limeted in a rea-sonable range to control formation damage, the specification evauation and determing strategy has been atudied in
    this paper, a useful software has also been made to strenously manage the water injection system.
    A Combined Technique of Water Blocking and Formation Acidizing,
    Pu Wanfen Chen Gang Fu shubao Chen Tie-long
    1997, 19(3):  43-48.  DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1997.03.008
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    This paper introduces a novel technique in which water blocking technique is combined with acidizing treatment.The blocking system, XN-PP, is made of AM and a kind of small molecular aldehyde. These two components can undergo co-polymerization and form a gel with high viscosity and strength in host reservoirs where the tem-perature is 110 - 120℃and the total salinity is 9-12×105 mg/l. The acid resistance of the blocking agent to self-generating acids was experimentally studied, the blocking ability of the agent under reservoir conditions and the optimum injectivity to large pore channels were investigated, and the protective effect of the preflush on the agent was evaluated. The results indicate that the gel is tolerant of the acids, and it has not only high strength but also high efficiency in water shutoff. A preliminary test of the technique was carried out in two wells in an oilfield. Oil production was greatly enhanced and water production effectively controlled for both wells.
    Study on Specific Surface Test of Argillaceous Rocks
    Luo Xing-shu Yang Kun-peng Cui Mao-rong
    1997, 19(3):  49-53.  DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1997.03.009
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    In argillaceous rocks, the composition and contents of clay mineral has determinat effect on its expansion and dis-persion. There is functonal relationship between specific surface of argillaceous rock and its expansive pressure on hydrat trend. It characterizes the indexes of hydrate properties or swell increment. Currently, there are many methods of swell surface testing. This paper selectes two available methods and are compared each other. It
    shows that CST-nethods is easy, time-saving and accuracy.

    The Cyclic Water Flooding Numerical Simulation for Its Seepage Mechanism andEffective factors
    Chen zhao-hui
    1997, 19(3):  54-59.  DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1997.03.010
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    in this paper, a numerical model for the cylic water flooding in the heterogeneous reservoir is founded by studing it‘s seepage mechanism. The store room for the residual oil seepage in microcosmic is named the second seep sys-tem. Two series of block system lapped in space is applied to describe theheterogeneous of reservoir.The corse of water displacing oil is simulated with this model, and some factors that effect the cyclic flooding, such as the geo-logical and manual are analysised by contrsting. It is suggested to make policy and optimize manual means that the mechanism of water displacing oil in the course of cyclic flooding and the best conditions and manual means in reservoir.
    Visualization Study of Pore-level Displacement of Oil by Water in a Conglomerate Reservoir
    Gao Yong-li He Qiu-xuan
    1997, 19(3):  60-63.  DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1997.03.011
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    Pore-level study of fluid flow in porous media is important in that it can provide valuable information about the behavior of fluids flowing through porous media, and thus the mechanism of fluids displacement in subsurface
    reservoirs could be better understood. In this paper, the results of experimental displacement studies on scaled layer model of a Karamay conglomerate reservoir are reported. The experimental setup is described, and the mechanism of displacement of oil by water in the conglomerate reservoir is discussed in detail.

    Research and Manufacture and application of Rod Pump Used in Horizontal Well
    zhong gong-xiang liang zheng etc.
    1997, 19(3):  64-69.  DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1997.03.012
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    this paper has introduced three kinds of rod pump used in thick oil horizinal well: the rod pump with hydraulic balance cylinder,the rod pum,p with suction valve of guide function and the rod pump with armular valve. Ac-cording to review the principle of work and characteristic of the rod pumps,writer has studied the leaking calcalat-ing method of the annulus clearance of rod pump used in horizontal well. Through anaylsing the field experiment,it is explained that the new made for horizontal wells have good property: smooth and steady,dependable and ef-fective and it can be applied in heavy oil wells very well.the efficiency of pump reached above 41-43%.

    Optimizing Design of Essential Structural Parameters of Cone Bits
    Wu Ze-bing Hou Ji-kang
    1997, 19(3):  70-72.  DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1997.03.013
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    Based on the mechanism of interaction between the bit and rock, the concepts of plane model and spatial one are introduced. The plane model reflects the scraped area by teeth, while the spatial model reflects volume of broken rock by teeth. Two objective functions of optimization are built up and optimal computation to two kinds of bits (ZHP2b and ZHP3a) is carried out using multi-objective optimization method, considering the essential struc-
    tural parameters as optimal parameters. The results show that the effectiveness on XHP2b is greater than that on XHP3a. The rate of penetration of optimal bits is increased by 10~20 percent.

    The Chloridebase Salt Bath Welding of the Diamond and the Steel
    Tang Xiao-wen Wang Ziyu Yang Shiliang ChenFei
    1997, 19(3):  73-77.  DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1997.03.014
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    This paper introduces that using the chloridebase salt bath as a heating method can titanize the surface of the dia-mond and weld the 20N 14Mo steel with the diamond together. The colomony was used as the interim layer met-
    al between the diamond and the steel in the test. It was found that the diamond neither become graphite nor be weakened on its properties in the salt bath. In the process of realizing the contact welding of the diamond and the steel, Ti and Ni interact to form the lower fusion coexist crystal so as to largely lower the welding temperature.This opened up a valid way to the welding technology of the diamonjd tools. The salt bath welding is lower cost,
    easer to operate and it can significantly increase the strength of the joint.

    A Necking Zone Model for Calculating Ductile Crack Propagation Resistance
    Jiang Ping Wang Wei Li Lusheng
    1997, 19(3):  78-82.  DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1997.03.015
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    The improvement of the testing technique for the measurement of the Mode I ductile crack propagation resistance
    is reported. The test consists of a side-grooved Double Cantilever Beam (DCB) specimen being loaded via pins.
    A necking zone model, with the necking zone (total width = dn ) present along both sides of the path of the
    crack propagating under plane stress conditions, is used to model ductile crack propagating problems. The test
    shows that the average strain in the necking zone is related only to the property of the material and the thickness
    of the specimen. An engineering approach based on this model to calculating the crack propagation resistance is
    derived. A series of experiments on mild steel was conducted to improve the design of the DCB specimens and to
    examine the reliability of the necking zone model.

    Calculation of Cp, m of Gases at High Temperatures by Using ExtrapolationMethod
    Rao Xiao-tong
    1997, 19(3):  83-85.  DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1997.03.016
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    It is usually very difficult, if not impossible, to find the data needed in handbooks when calculating the Cp,m of gases at high temperatures. In this paper, a method of calculating the Cp,m of gases at high temperatures is pro-posed. By this method, firstly an extrapolation of temperature is made point by point, according to desired step of increase, starting from the upper limit of the temperature range given in the handbook; secondly, the data aresmoothed by employing the five points data smoothing method, and finally, a linear regression is carried out using the smoothed data points to obtain the Cp,m - T function: Cp,m = a0 + a1T + a2T2 +a3T3 +a4T4,which is then used to calculate the Cp,m of the gases at high temperatures. A comparison is made between the result obtained with this method and that obtained by using statistical thermodynamic method, and the two are very consistent.
    The Separation of Carbon Chain Isomers of Butanols with CH-B-15-C-5 asStationary Phase
    Qing Xiao-tian Zhang Bo TangYing
    1997, 19(3):  86-88.  DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1997.03.017
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    A comparison study was made on the separation of carbon chain isomers of butanols with CH-B-15-C-5 as stationary phase in GSC, GLC and CL-GLC. The results of separation and the chromatographic characteristics of CH-B-15-C-5 are discussed. By determining the Mcreyoids phase constants, the polarity of the CH-B-15-C-5 column was known to be moderate to weak. In the CL-GLC system, CH-B-15-C-5 oc-curred as orderly arranged ether liquid crystals, and therefore, under similar experimental conditions, the resolu-tion of the CL-GLC was higher than that of the GLC, with the chromatographic peaks of the former also betterdefined. We presume that whether or not the stationary phase molecules are in ordered arrangement in the system has great impact on the retention behavior of organic compounds.
    A Control network Based on IPX Protocol
    Yan Yong-sheng
    1997, 19(3):  89-91.  DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1997.03.018
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    Control network is a kind of computer networks used in real-time monitoring and production process controlling.In a control network, the quantity of information transmitted is not necessarily large, but the transmission time is
    required to be shortest. IPX is an internetwork package exchange protocol developed by Novell Cooperation. It is a connectionless network layer protocol, and is featured by good real-time transmission and being independent of the network and the transmission media; it can permit information exchange on a point-to-point basis as well as on a multi-point or broadcasting basis. In view of the above characteristics of control network and IPX, We developed a control network based on IPX protocol. This network is characterized by flexible networking and rapid transmission, and it can be conveniently integrated with information networks. The design of the applica-
    tion software of this network is discussed.

    How To Solve The Problem About Knowledge Combinatorial Explosion Of Es
    Chen Ming-liang Shi Tai-he Chen Ping
    1997, 19(3):  92-96.  DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1997.03.019
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    This paper presents an improved ES knowledge representation method called classification prodution rules(CPR).This method can solve the two problems of traditional production system:knowledge combinatorial explosion and
    high cost of searchng and matching.The definition,representation form,reasoning control strategy and knowledge
    organization of the rules are discussed in this paper.This paper also gives a brief analysis to the adnantages of the knowledge representation method.Two practical expert systems based on CPR have been developed.
    Estimation of Parameters by Using Orthogonal Experimental Method
    Zhang Jian-jun
    1997, 19(3):  97-100.  DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1997.03.020
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    In this paper, the orthogonal experimental method is used to seek optimum parameters of some functions, and an
    algorithm to obtain such parameters is given. The results indicate that this algorithm is effective, and the speci
    fied requirements can be achieved within short time.
    Time-domain Service Models of Information Networks
    Yang Xian-zhen Li Ming
    1997, 19(3):  101-104.  DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1997.03.021
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    Information media are basically presented as three categories which are voice, data and image. Traffic in integrat-ed service information networks can be classified into three mathematical models: periodic, random and bursty, if
    viewed from time-domain. The former two services have the same characteristics in the large counts, and thus are referred to as uniform service described with binomial distribution. The bursty service has notably different
    characteristics and should be described with two-state and one-dimension Markov process. The effect of uni-form and bursty services on the network performance that is chiefly throughput is summarized by quoting the test
    results of LANQest LABS, USA. We have reached the conclusion that no matter what the service is, network throughput degrades when the source rate increases; especially, at higher rate the adverse effect of bursty service
    is greater than that of uniform service though they have no distinctive difference at lower source rate. The conclu-sion can be used as a reference on network design and capability allocation.

    Economic Limit Determination of Rational Well Number of Oilfield
    zhang si-yong Xu jia-qiong
    1997, 19(3):  105-110.  DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1997.03.022
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    this paper uses prediction model of grey system and LOGISTIC to establish the relationships between cumulative
    oil preduction and time, wellnumbers and time, water cut and time respectively, to study the tendency of produc-
    tion costs with water cut, to establish mathematics model between profit and total well numbers by analysis of
    break even, and to get out economic limit of retional well numbers. One tract of some field was used to test the
    numbers of economic rational well and numbers of economic limit well under diffent price system this method can
    provide important information for oilfield development adjusting and desiging later, and it is simple and uesful to
    oilfield, and possesses the value of popularization and application.
    A Discuss on Three Problems of Value Engineering
    Liu Chao-quan Lu Ai-zhu
    1997, 19(3):  111-114.  DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1997.03.024
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    This papaer has analyzed some problems on value engineering and presented a set of solutions. Firstly, in funcion scoring process, when one function compares with itself,the function score should be 0.5 point,not the commonly used 1 of zero point. Secondly, the formulate of the most adoptable area method has been simplified as K=F2-C2, K has been used as an indicator for deciding both which runction should be improved and how to improve.Finally, for calculating the multi-base coefficient, a new method named as integrative-base has been suggest-ed.

    The System Model of Production and Management Planning and Decision Makingon the Refiners
    Liu Xian-tao Guo Xiao-jun Yonng Qi-dong LiGuang-yao
    1997, 19(3):  115-118.  DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1997.03.025
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    The unified development of an enterprise is a programme that considers comprehensively all affecting factors on the inside and the outside. This planmakes the concrete and overall arrangements for an important profuction and management action and all kinds of natural resources of an enterprise in time and apace. This unified development plan is both a concrete practice of an enterprise s management strategy(policy, objective and step) and an action programme and essential basis of all production and management actions of an enterprise. It is of important sig-nifiance to work out scientifically and reasonablly an enterprise s unified development plan in order to maintain a long-term and steady development and increase total economic benefits. This paper researches the planning and decision making problems of the refiners, and establishes the corresponding system model by using systematic dy-namic and liner-programming principles. The corresponding software is also designed for specific planning, and the result is applied to practice.
    Energy Eigenvalues for Rosen-Morse Potential by the Shape Invariance Technique
    Jia Chun-sheng Xue Cheng-gang Li Yu-jun
    1997, 19(3):  119-121.  DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1997.03.026
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    The enegy eigenvalues for Rosen-Morse potential are calculated by using the shape invariance technique. The results are consistent with those obtained by Nieto by using the factorization method. The energy spectrum for-mulas for one-dimensional modified poschl-Teller potential are contained in the energy spectrum formulas for one-dimensional Rosen-Morse potential as a special case. The present shape invariance relation shows that Rosen-Morse potential belongs to a shape invariance potential with a translation of parameters.