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    Journal of Southwest Petroleum University(Science & Technology Edition) 2014 Vol.36
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    Reconstruction of Devonian Lithofacies Palaeogeography in
    Hunan and Guangxi Provinces
    Yang Huaiyu
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    2014, 36 (1): 1-8.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2013.01.09.02
    Abstract221)   HTML    PDF(pc) (1215KB)(561)       Save

    The regions of Hunan and Guangxi,which were in the composite position intersected by a variety of Tectonic system
    in Devonian,and developed a unique“platform- depression-dome-basin”sedimentary system. Formation of Devonian were
    eroded badly in Hunan and Guangxi Provinces,which merely remained in Nanpanjiang depression,Qianxinan depression,middle
    and west of the Guizhong depression,Shiwanshan Basin and Xiangzhong depression. Researching on various sedimentary
    facies symbol in residual formation,9 types of sedimentary facies were recognized,which dominated in the marine environment.
    The followed conclusions were obtained from the difference comparison of sedimentary environment:Nanpanjiang
    depression and Guizhong depression are mainly of depression-platform sedimentary system;Xiangzhong depression is mainly
    of clastic tidal flat and restricted(open)platform sedimentary system,and Shiwanshan basin is mainly of undercompensation
    basin. Sedimentary mode of study area was displays the feature“depression surrounded platform,depression connected”. Facies
    differential degree of sedimentary evolution,the tectonic movement and magmatic activity have good sedimentary response

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    The Hydrocarbon Accumulation Conditions and Favorable Exploration
    Direction of Chuanjiang Block of Hepu Basin
    Gong Xiaofeng1,2, Yang Xibing3, Zhu Jitian3, Zhang Jingru1,2, Li Xiaotang1,2
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    2014, 36 (1): 9-18.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2013.03.25.01
    Abstract216)   HTML    PDF(pc) (1183KB)(425)       Save

    Strata found in Well Le2X in Hepu Basin are mainly off-white,variegated and purple-red,and dark mudstone is
    thinner than others,only Jiuxikeng group of the Pliocene is thicker,but its bury is not deep,and belongs to prematurity stage.
    The Chuanjiang fault block structural trap of Well Le2X is basically clear,but the traps is without basic hydrocarbon source
    conditions and is away from the hydrocarbon source supply system,resulting in the fault block traps becoming empty traps,
    which is the main reason for the failure drilling. Therefore,in-depth analysis of the low mature source rocks and hydrocarbon
    source supply system,comprehensive prediction and delineation of favorable migration and accumulation of enriched zone
    of low mature oil and gas and bio-gas within effective hydrocarbon source supply system,should be the key to oil and gas
    exploration research in Hepu Basin.

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    Study on Interlayer Distribution of I Oil Group in Member 2 of
    Zhujiang Formation in A Oilfield
    Jiang Ping1,2, Huang Junhui3, Lei Xiao1, Cheng Chao3, Zhang Yongjun4
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    2014, 36 (1): 19-26.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2013.08.11.04
    Abstract318)   HTML    PDF(pc) (3067KB)(455)       Save

    The I Oil Group in Member 2 of Zhujiang Formation in A Oilfield is the main reservoir. It’s production status shows
    that the type,sealing ability and spatial distribution of the interlayer severely affect the reservoir development effect. Through
    analyzing the core observation,thin section identification and physical analysis,we consider there widely exist calcareous,
    argillaceous and physical inter-layers. The calcareous interlayer most seriously affects the development. Because of the few
    well numbers,sparse well network density and limited coring,we cannot study the spatial distribution of interlayer of the
    whole district only by distinguishing intercalations from the core and logging. On the basis of finely dividing and correlating
    layers,sedimentary microfacies,the research makes full use of horizontal section information,combines well and seismic,
    unites geophysical information and successfully predicts the three-dimensional spatial distribution of interlayer by analyzing the
    model,which is established due to the innovative application of seismic cooperative sequential Gauss simulation on sedimentary
    facies tract conditions. The predicted results are agreed with the dynamic production,it provides a strong basis for oilfield
    production and measures for tapping potential of remaining oil.

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    The Exploration Prospects of T2l1
    1,Middle Triassic in
    Northwestern Sichuan
    Huang Dong1, Li Hongliang2, Jiang Jingping3, Shi Xuewen1, Wang Hua1
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    2014, 36 (1): 27-32.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2012.05.16.01
    Abstract204)   HTML    PDF(pc) (794KB)(445)       Save

    Leikoupo Formation has a large amount of resources,but in addition to the previously found Wolonghe,Moxi gas
    reservoir,no other reserve of scale has been found. With the progress of exploration of the marine strata in western Sichuan,especially
    further degree of exploration,the T2l1
    1 gradually exhibits its good exploration prospects. Based on Leikoupo Formation
    determination,and according the field profile,debris samples,oil drilling and test data analysis,we think that the sub-section
    of the T2l1
    1 belongs to the reservoir controlled by shale facies which is similar or equivalent to Moxi and Wolonghe reservoirs.
    Structural traps and fault development in the area are conducive to oil and gas migration and accumulation. Comprehensive
    analysis reveals that the most favorable exploration zones are the Zhongba—Shuangyushi belt in the front north of Longmen
    mountain and the Meishupu—Jiulongshan belt in the front of Micangshan mountain.

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    A Discussion on Distribution Pattern and Genesis of the Calcareous
    Intercalation in Delta Front Reservoir
    Yan Ke1,2, Zhao Hongbing1
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    2014, 36 (1): 33-38.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2012.05.16.02
    Abstract241)   HTML    PDF(pc) (741KB)(498)       Save

    By using of core and close spacing log information,the lithologic features and log response features of the calcareous
    intercalation in delta front reservoir of Shengtuo Oilfield were proposed systematically. on that basis,we recognize
    the distribution pattern of calcareous intercalation in high-resolution sequence stratigraphic framework based on the accurate
    strata correlation. The biogenesis mechanism was presented to improve the genetic model of calcareous intercalation. The
    study shows that the distribution of calcareous intercalations has selectivity,which is always in the top of sandbody formed in
    short-term downward base level cycle. The extension scale of calcareous intercalation in strata profile is not big,and always
    transits to be muddy or silty depositional interface,which shows the calcareous intercalation as an approved sequence interface
    or subdivision interface of composite sandbody in the delta front reservoir. The areal distribution of the calcareous intercalation
    is correlated with the depositional microfacies,which is selectively located in the regional debouch bar near the subaqueous
    distributary channel in a single depositional unit,and presented as separate lump shape. The intensive tulotomoides terrassa are
    found in the calcareous intercalation,and the subsistence and aggregation patterns of tulotomoides terrassa coincided with the
    selective distribution pattern of calcareous intercalation,which indicates the biogenesis mechanism.

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    Formation,Recognition and Analysis of Low-resistivity Annulus
    Liao Dongliang1,2
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    2014, 36 (1): 39-44.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2012.07.04.01
    Abstract289)   HTML    PDF(pc) (793KB)(527)       Save

    The low-resistivity annulus is the strong evidence of available oil and gas,and the effective means of judgement of
    oil and gas layer,especially the low resistivity oil and gas layer. Based on the flow equations of oil and water two phases,the
    seepage driving velocity is derived during mud filtrate invaded formation,and the process of forming low-resistivity annulus
    was analyzed. The high frequency induction log can get five resistivity curves at one time. From the reaction of the curves,we
    can see there are three manifestations for low-resistivity annulus and they are R07 the lowest,R10 the lowest,R11 the lowest,
    respectively. The paper analyzed the formation process of low-resistivity annulus and reservoir characteristics through the three
    manifestations. Some examples of the three manifestations of low-resistivity annulus and the process result from high frequency
    induction log were presented,the results shows that we can quickly tell the reservoir is oil layer,water layer or oil-water layer.

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    Study on Longmaxi Formation Bottom Boundary in Sichuan Basin
    Wang Xingzhi1, Li Yizhen1, Du Yang1,2, Hu Yang2, Li Ye1
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    2014, 36 (1): 45-50.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2013.11.20.04
    Abstract234)   HTML    PDF(pc) (705KB)(709)       Save

    In order to solve the partitioning problem on the bottom boundary of lower Silurian Longmaxi Formation,based
    on previous researches,with the macroscopic and microscopic observation of outcrops and drilling cores and the analysis of
    well logging,mineralogical and geochemical data in Sichuan Basin and its peripheral areas,the differences between Longmaxi
    and Wufeng Formation show that there are higher limy content,many brachiopods,low GR and high RT logging values,high
    calcite content and lower TOC values in the top of Wufeng Formation,while the bottom of Longmaxi Formation have none
    limy content,none brachiopods and abundant graptolites,high GR and low RT logging values,high clay and quartz content,
    highest TOC values. The study suggested that the detection of limy content and comparison of log are the fast and accurate
    methods of demarcating Longmaxi Formation bottom boundary in practical operation,and it can provide some theoretical basis
    for furthermore shale gas exploration in Longmaxi Formation of Sichuan Basin.

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    Study on Characteristic of the Sand Bodies of Huangliu Formation in DF13
    Area,Yinggehai Basin
    Chen Zhihong1,2, Chen Dianyuan2, Ying Mingxiong2
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    2014, 36 (1): 51-57.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2013.04.23.02
    Abstract212)   HTML    PDF(pc) (816KB)(557)       Save

    The massive fine-grained sandstone developed from the thick mudstone lager powder of late Miocene deposits in
    shallow yellow stream group in Yingge Sea Basin is the recent gas exploration hotspot. The reservoir is sand vertically stacked
    multi-stage,and changes fast horizontally. Though tectonic evolution and ancient deposition setting control the distribution and
    evolution of third-order sequences framework within Huangliu Formation,they do not control the distribution of depositional
    systems or reservoir sand bodies. Compared with the classic submarine fan phase,typical deposition characteristics can hardly
    be found in this depositional system like obvious fan body sub-phase differentiation,main waterway,levee,etc. It is considered
    as a channel sand bodies’ combination of small-scale,fast migration,and thick accumulation. In the article,it is called
    non-typical Turbidity current,using different channels + spring current to show this sedimentary characteristic. The studies
    suggest that the unstable continental slope setting controls the distribution of sand bodies in four-order sequences by means of
    controlling the Palaeogeomorphology and sedimentary source rechargement. According to the hydrodynamic characteristics
    and accumulation styles of the channel deposition,the sand bodies are further divided into the sub-erosion channel,migration
    channel and filling structure. Among them sub-erosion channel and filling structure have good reservoir conditions,that can
    be new gainful exploration targets.

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    Discission of Oil Shale In-situ Conversion Process in China
    Li Jun1,2, Tang Dazhen1, Xue Huaqing3,4, Zheng Dewen3,4, Du Dong2
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    2014, 36 (1): 58-64.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2012.07.25.02
    Abstract255)   HTML    PDF(pc) (701KB)(762)       Save

    The oil shale resources,which buried in 500~1 500 m,are about 6 813×108 t tones in China. The in-situ conversion
    process(ICP)is still in its infancy in China and were preliminary studied by oil shale pyrolysis,micropores and permeability
    experiments in different temperature. The oil shale pyrolysis is classified as 3 stages:dehydration,pyrolysis and mineral
    decomposition. During these stages,the physical and chemical reaction occurred in different,micropores and permeability of
    oil shale were evolved in different extent,of which the major changed is pyrolysis stage. We studied the temperature distribution
    of ICP with the unsteady mathematical model. It shows that the shale oil productions can begin after 5 years heating,the duration
    of productions maintains at least 2 years.

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    Uncertainty Analysis with the Response-surface Proxy for Stochastic
    Geological Models
    Sun Lichun, Guo Lina, He Juan, Wu Mengyang, Ni Jun′e
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    2014, 36 (1): 65-73.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2013.08.11.06
    Abstract272)   HTML    PDF(pc) (877KB)(537)       Save

    To solve the difficulty problems,which the stochastic geological model is uncertain,the paper presented the
    response-surface proxy model to carried out the uncertainties method and its research process. The uncertainties with the
    geomodel can’t be easily and correctly disclosed with respect to the process of the stochastically modeling that is limited by
    computer’s capacity and time consumption. In the whole process,some following crucial things should be considered seriously.
    All uncertainties with the geomodeling should be fully taken into account in compliance with the geological characteristics
    of reservoirs. Sensitivity analysis would be carried out prior to the generating of proxy model. The sampling algorithms for
    generating both the training and the validation models could be different from the predicating of the target through proxy model.
    The probabilistic distribution of the target variables(oil in place as an example)can be understood through proxy model to a
    great extent. Therefore,these stochastic geomodels can be picked out with respect to the probabilities in terms of the target. In
    this sense,risks and potentials for the development of a reservoir can be appraised further based on the uncertainty studies.

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    CFD Simulation of Proppant Transportation and Settling in Water
    Fracture Treatments
    Zhang Tao1, Guo Jianchun1, Liu Wei2
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    2014, 36 (1): 74-82.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2013.11.07.06
    Abstract239)   HTML    PDF(pc) (872KB)(619)       Save

    Water hydraulic fracture treatments are widely used in of exploitation for tight gas reservoirs such as shale gas because
    of its low cost and little damage to formation′s permeability. In the process of fracturing,turbulence effects,particle-particle and
    particle-wall interactions are important factors which affect proppant transportation and settling behavior. Because conventional
    proppant settlement calculation methods don′t consider the two-way coupling of fluid-solid and solid-solid,Euler-Euler twophase
    flow model is established to study the proppant transportation and settling behavior in the process of water-fracturing.
    Turbulence effects and friction stress between high concentration particles are taken into consideration to study the particlewall
    interaction,and Johnson-Jackson boundary conditions are also considered. By using this model,the two-phase flow of
    fracturing fluid and proppant in the slot under different inlet-velocity position,particle density are studied. The simulation
    results coincide with experimental results well,which verifies the effectiveness of the model used. In the meanwhile,the effect
    of these parameters to proppant transportation and settling law is also discussed in the paper.

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    Establishment of the Chart of Equivalent Gas Ratio-Recovery Degree for
    CO2 Miscible Flooding
    Sun Lei1, Feng Qiao1, Chen Guoli2, Zhang Hua2, Jin Meiyu3
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    2014, 36 (1): 83-88.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2013.10.14.06
    Abstract225)   HTML    PDF(pc) (618KB)(533)       Save

    Because the dynamic evaluation methods of CO2 miscible drive is not enough comprehensive and systematic,and
    also the improved water flooding chart is not suitable for the evaluation of the CO2 miscible drive,we first define the type A
    gas flooding characteristic curve. Then on the basis of it,we have derived the relational expression between the equivalent gas
    rate and recovery degree,and draw the calibration chart. We use this chart to predict the biggest increased recovery of Y block
    after injecting CO2,and by comparing with the scene results,we find that two of them are consistent. So the results that the
    chart is a good predictor of the biggest increased recovery after injecting CO2. In general,this method is more significant for
    the block’s further development.

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    New Calculation Methods of Injection-production Ratio for
    Water-injecting Development Stage in Closed Reservoirs
    Jia Yinglan1,2, Jia Yonglu1, Zhou Xia3, Jing Yang4, Nie Renshi1
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    2014, 36 (1): 89-94.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2013.06.30.01
    Abstract237)   HTML    PDF(pc) (395KB)(518)       Save

    At present,the calculation methods of stage injection-production ratio only considered a single factor,such as
    formation pressure or water cut;however,the stage injection-production ratio is controlled by many factors,such as formation
    pressure,water cut and cumulative water-oil production ratio in real development. To solve the problem,we derived the
    relationship formulation of stage injection-production ratio with cumulative oil production,formation pressure and water cut
    using the semi-logarithmical curve of cumulative water injection with cumulative oil production,combining the material balance
    equation of closed reservoir. Then two calculation formulations of stage injection-production ratio were further derived using
    the relationship formulation of cumulative oil production with water saturation and the two relationship formulations of relative
    permeability with water saturation. At the end,calculations of stage injection-production ratio using the above two calculation
    formulations for an example closed reservoir with water-injection development history showed that the new calculation methods
    are applicable and useful.

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    Study on Mathematical Model and Method of Solving of Pipeline-reservoir
    Coupled System
    Lin Chunyang1,2, Zhang Xiansong1,2, Gong Bin3, Liu Huiqing4
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    2014, 36 (1): 95-100.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2012.03.12.01
    Abstract293)   HTML    PDF(pc) (569KB)(480)       Save

    The pipe flow and reservoir fluid form a coupled system. Therefore,a mathematical model is proposed,which
    is capable of solving pipeline flow system and reservoir fluidity system. In pipeline system,Drift-flux model has been used
    to elucidate multiphases flow process with consideration of the influence of viscosity increasing of polymer solution. And
    Darcy laws have been used to describe reservoir fluidity system. On the basis of that,the decoupled solution has been given,
    the decoupled calculation has been completed by exchanging boundary conditions(wellbore pressure,multiphases flux and
    polymer concentration on perforations). As a result,the convergence difficulties of coupled solution have been improved
    effectively. And the validity is verified by using business software. Results indicate that Drift-flux model can be effectively
    used to study the multiphases flow in pipeline with polymer solution;and the decoupled solution can efficiently solve the
    coupled flow process of pipeline and reservoir. Compared with the coupled solution,error is less than 5%. And the computing
    speed is 10 to 100 times of the coupled solution.

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    Study on Interlayer Interference Caused by Commingling Production
    and Development Strategy in Sandstone Reservoir
    Yu Huajie, Zhu Guojin, Tan Xianhong
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    2014, 36 (1): 101-106.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2012.06.06.01
    Abstract305)   HTML    PDF(pc) (456KB)(651)       Save

    There are several vertical reservoirs in A Oilfield,and the greatly different reservoir physical properties,different
    fluid properties,and the disperse reserves. Because of these factors,in the cause of commingling water injection or commingling
    oil production,some problems caused by reservoir heterogeneity will gradually arise,which include serious injected water
    breaking through in single layer,quick increase of water cut,different reserves producing,unequal oil recovery and lower
    reservoir oil recovery. So how to improve the recovery is very important in the vertically heterogeneous reservoir. This paper
    uses numerical simulation technology to conduct the single and composite factor sensitivity analysis under the condition of
    commingling production by A oil field homogeneous model,and reservoir production characteristics,development evaluation
    and development index are compared in different development method by the actually heterogeneous model. In the end,we
    recommend technology development program practical in Oilfield,and put forward Oilfield development technology strategy
    and measures.

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    Experimental Study of Residual Gas Saturation at DH Gas Reservoir
    Li Jiudi1, Hu Ke2
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    2014, 36 (1): 107-112.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2013.08.29.04
    Abstract224)   HTML    PDF(pc) (446KB)(579)       Save

    servoir is at the middle-later period of exploitation,calibrating and improving the recovery of the waterdriven
    sandstone gas reservoir and adjusting the development plan are very important. Before this,studying the residual gas
    can provide an accurate parameter for recovery calibration work. Adopting the co-current spontaneous imbibition experimental
    facility we tested the residual gas saturations of the sandstone samples from DH gas reservoir. The results revealed that initial gas
    saturation had an important effect on residual gas saturation,and porosity and permeability had a little influence on maximum
    residual gas saturation. The experimental results could coincide with Land’s model very well,but not with the Agrawal’s
    model. Based on the initial gas saturation of DH gas reservoir to the formula we calculated the residual gas saturation of DH gas
    reservoir. And by using the result of residual gas saturation we analyze the countermeasure of enhancing nature gas recovery
    of DH gas reservoir in the future.

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    Study on the Movable Fluid Saturation and its Influencing Factors of
    Low Permeability Volcanic Gas Reservoir
    Liao Zuocai1,2, Sun Junchang3, Yang Zhengming2,3, Xiong Shengchun3, He Ying3
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    2014, 36 (1): 113-120.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2012.02.16.02
    Abstract210)   HTML    PDF(pc) (669KB)(485)       Save

    In view of the factors that the diagenetic mechanism of volcanic reservoir is different from the conventional depositional
    sandstone reservoir,the micro-pore structure of the volcanic is more complex than that of sandstone reservoir. The movable
    fluid saturation of Xushen,Changling and Dixi volcanic gas reservoirs were systematically studied by using the centrifugal
    experiment,NMR,constant-rate mercury injection and CT technology. The experimental results indicate that the suitable centrifugal
    force used to obtaining the irreducible water saturation in centrifugal experiment is 2.76 MPa. The micro-distribution
    feature of the movable fluid corresponding to different permeability reservoir is different. The larger the permeability,the
    greater the proportion of the movable fluid controlled by the larger throat. 0.100 mD is one of the critical permeability values
    when the reservoir permeability larger or less than it,the micro-distribution feature of the movable fluid is different. The average
    of the movable fluid saturation of the three gas reservoir is 23.62%. The CT image and constant-rate mercury injection
    experimental results suggested that the reservoir fracture and pore-to-throat ratio are the main factors affecting the movable
    fluid saturation.

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    Application Research of Fiber Fracturing Technology at Sulige Gas Field
    Ren Bin1, Liu Guoliang1, Zhang Mian1, Chi Xiaoming1, Luo Mingliang2
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    2014, 36 (1): 121-128.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2013.04.02.03
    Abstract234)   HTML    PDF(pc) (895KB)(596)       Save

    To solve the problem of proppant backflow during the flowback progress in fracturing at Sulige gas field,a kind
    of fracturing fiber was prepared. The suitable size and adding concentration in fracturing fluid were also determined in this
    paper. By simulating the model of enforced crack closure and the model of proppant sinking rate,we developed the optimization
    software of fibers anti-backflow of proppant,which could give useful messages for flowback of fracturing fluid and for
    controlling the proppant backflow. The testing results of fiber-added fracturing and controlled discharge show that the prepared
    fibers meet the need of anti-backflow of proppant in Sulige area. The use of fracturing fibers not only decreased the backflow
    but also increased rate of drain blowout;moreover,it also reduced the damage chance of needle valve and gate valve during
    the flowback.

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    Correction Method for the Dead Volume of Core Exit End Pipeline in
    Heavy Oil Relative Permeability Experiment
    Gao Wanglai1, Shen Dehuang2, Li Fangfang1
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    2014, 36 (1): 129-133.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2012.05.02.01
    Abstract233)   HTML    PDF(pc) (556KB)(572)       Save

    The heavy oil relative permeability curve is an important parameter in heavy oil reservoir performance prediction.
    The error in the relative permeability test caused by experimental factors will result in wrong information for reservoir development
    analysis. Due to the long exit end pipeline and more dead volume in the high temperature relative permeability test,the
    oil-water phases flowing law in the exit end pipeline of core holder and method of dead volume calibration will have important
    effect on relative permeability experimental results. The phenomenon of non-piston like displacement and pressure hysteresis
    effect have been discovered based on the water flooding experiment of heavy oil in the exit end pipeline. The breakthrough
    recovery and ultimate recovery factor decrease with increasing oil viscosity and water drive velocity,and the metering oil volume
    is behind the data corresponding to the pressure. The conventional data correction by oil volume deducting space volume
    of pipeline may lead to the deviation of experimental results from the actual flow behavior,so a new method of data calibration
    is proposed.

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    Study on the Effect of Solid Particle on Water-flooding Development in
    Low Permeability Sandstone Reservoir
    Wu Jiazhong1, Meng Hongli2, Xu Jie3, Xie Quan1, Shi Leiting2
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    2014, 36 (1): 134-138.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2013.05.27.01
    Abstract209)   HTML    PDF(pc) (462KB)(503)       Save

    The solid particles in the injecting water directly affect injection pressure and the degree of formation damage in
    low permeability sandstone reservoir. The paper studied the injection of three different sizes of solid particle,whose D90(the
    cumulative particle size distribution of solid particle in the injecting water exceeds 90%)is 1.24,5.05,9.91µm. and we studied
    three kinds of injectivity water for the degrees of damage on oil phase permeability,and investigate the impact on the recovery.
    The results show there are problems on injectivity in core of permeability less than 1 mD when particle size,D90,is larger than
    1 µm. However,when the permeability of core is larger than 1 mD,the problem goes away. As D90 increases,the degrees
    of oil permeability damage increases and the water flooding recovery reduces. As the permeability grows,the solid particle of
    larger particle size plugs the flowing channel in small and medium-sized pores,reducing water-flood sweeping ability. Seen
    from chart of permeability damage,when the core permeability is greater than 10 mD,the particle size,D90,can be 5 µm.

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    Experimental Study on Factors Affecting the Effect of Barium Sulfate
    Scale Inhibition
    Li Hongjian1, Meng Xue1, Li Ran1, Tang Xin2, Wang Deyu2
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    2014, 36 (1): 139-144.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2013.06.23.01
    Abstract257)   HTML    PDF(pc) (554KB)(551)       Save

    In order to study the factors that affect the effect of barium sulfate scale inhibition,three kinds of scale inhibitors
    named ZX–101,TH–1 and TH–607B that resistance barium sulfate(strontium sulfate)were screened out to make experiments
    of temperature,salinity,concentration of Ba2+ and SO2-4 impact on barium sulfate separately by static scale inhibition method.
    The results show that these three inhibitors have shown great performance for barium sulfate scale,they can prevent scaling
    of barium sulfate effectively. Their inhibition efficiency first increase and then decrease with the increasment of temperature
    and salinity,and when the inhibitor concentration increases the inhibition efficiency increases. When the temperature is 65 ℃,
    SO2-4 concentration is 0.55 g/L,salinity is 73 g/L,inhibitor concentration is 0.1 g/L and the concentration of Ba2+ increases from
    0.64 g/L to 1.28 g/L,these three kinds of scale inhibition efficiency gradually decrease,respectively from 96.55%,97.65%,
    98.04% down to 82.80%,87.83%,84.49%. While Ba2+ concentration is 0.8 g/L,inhibitor concentration is 0.08g/L and the
    concentration of SO2-4 increases from 0.10 g/L to 0.60 g/L,their inhibition efficiency increase from 90.64%,96.49%,93.57%
    to 99.79%,99.28%,99.79%,and then begin to decline,eventually drop to 93.72%,91.09%,80.06%.

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    Influence of Heavy Components on the Heavy Oil Emulsion Stability
    Lai Nanjun1,2, Peng Qin1, Ye Zhongbin1,2, Song Xiaohui1, Wen Yiping1
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    2014, 36 (1): 145-149.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2013.07.03.02
    Abstract183)   HTML    PDF(pc) (484KB)(553)       Save

    The heavy components of heavy oil have a great influence on the stability of emulsion. In this paper,taking heavy
    oil of a Xinjiang reservoir as an example,we assayed its basic properties such as density,viscosity,solidifyig point and acid
    value. After separated heavy oil into saturates aromatics,resins and asphaltenes by polarity separation,we tested the basic
    properties and element content of the four components,Asphaltenes can stabilize the interfacial film of emulsion,and the water
    extraction is at the minimum and stability of emulsion is at maximum when the asphaltene content is 0.5% and resin content
    is 4.0%. The small amplitude oscillation experiment tests on simulation oil emulsion interfacial rheological behavior revealed
    that in the resin/asphaltene model oil emulsion,complex modulus(E∗)increases first increased and then decreased with the
    passage of time. When the asphaltene content is 0.5%,the resin content is 4.0%,after 2 000 s the complex modulus(E∗)is at
    the maximum and the emulsion is stable.

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    Study on Erosion Mechanism of Bending Joint in Blooey Line
    Lian Zhanghua1, Chen Xinhai1, Lin Tiejun1, Ming Xin1, Zheng Jianxiang1,2
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    2014, 36 (1): 150-156.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2013.08.11.03
    Abstract218)   HTML    PDF(pc) (647KB)(663)       Save

    Blooey line is the one of indispensable ground equipment in gas drilling,which has potential safety hazard in high
    pressure and high yield gas well drilling,but it is usually ignored in common. Because of solid particle erosion in high speed
    air flow,failure destruction of blooey line occurs mainly in bending joint. Based on erosion destruction of bending joint,we
    launch the study of erosion destruction mechanism and mathematical model,and carry on the theory discussion on erosion
    angle of attack,erosion function,erosion coefficient of particle shape and the stress of the solid particle. At the same time,
    this paper established the CFD finite element model and the angle of bending joint can change arbitrarily,which quantitatively
    simulates erosion rate of multiphase flow containing solid particles to blooey line bending joint under different conditions and
    do erosion mechanism research,and there is a series of CFD simulation study under the limitation flow rate(100×104 m3/d
    and 50×104 m3/d)in different sand content. Finally,obtained quantitative relation curves between erosion rate and the angle
    of joint,it provides the theoretical basis for the blooey line bending joint structure optimization in this paper.

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    Application Research on A New Technology of Shifting Sleeves
    Shi Lei
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    2014, 36 (1): 157-162.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2013.09.11.01
    Abstract222)   HTML    PDF(pc) (690KB)(687)       Save

    With the rapid development of horizontal well drilling technology,the staged reservoir stimulation technology and
    supporting tools of horizontal wells has become increasingly popular. As a component of the staged reservoir stimulation tool
    to communicating reservoir and wellbore,shiftable sliding sleeves are used to stimulate reservoir and to improve oil,gas and
    water management throughout the life of the well. Because of the large shifting force and extended reach required to operate
    sliding sleeves in horizontals,the coiled tubing(CT)is typically used for sleeve management. But there is some uncertainty to
    ensure sleeve shifted successfully by observing the change of surface load and there is a possibility of misuse. At the same time,
    this method can’t determine the sleeve position,so if the operation is not fully in place,CT operation was needed again. To
    solve this problem,this paper introduces a new shifting tool which is connected by CT with fiber. This tool can shifting sleeve
    by locating sleeve position precisely and monitoring string load,pressure and temperature in the downhole;by processing and
    interpreting the measurement data on the ground,the operators can judge the situation downhole accurately and switch sleeves
    reliably. It also can determine sleeve position by the change of CCL curve to save a lot of cost and time caused by operational

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    Deformation Calculation and Technical Measure to the Pipe String of
    Ultra-deep Open Hole Separate Zone Water Injection in Tahe Oilfield
    Wang Shijie1, Yang Zhi2, Zhao Jinzhou2, Wang Lei3, Zhang Jianjun3
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    2014, 36 (1): 163-169.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2013.04.15.02
    Abstract204)   HTML    PDF(pc) (465KB)(515)       Save

    The particularity of the deep separate flood layer,the formation high temperature and the open hole completion in
    Tahe Oilfield’s Ordovician carbonate reservoir,the failure of open hole packer K341 in pre-injection test well cause the injection
    test failure. To analyze the reasons for the failure,the paper established the mechanical model of the ultra-deep pipe string of
    separate zone water injection and calculated the K341’s creeping quantitative relative to the casing packer with hydraulic anchor
    in different working conditions of the injection test pipe string and under the combined action of the mechanical effects. The
    results show that the K341 will produce 0.3∼0.6 m creep variable when the Y241 packer is in the process of setting after the
    K431 packer is worked and this directly causes the damage of the K341 packer. To solve the problem,we draw up the creep
    preventing technical measure of the ultra-deep open hole separate zone water injection pipe string and optimize structure of
    injection string. That is installation of bumper sub,optimization structure of packer K341 to keep the working pressure with
    packer Y241,installation of centralizers at both end of packer K341 to protect element when down to the wellbore.

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    Feasibility Study on Non-repeating Acquired Time-lapse
    Seismic Reservoir Monitoring
    Yin Cheng1, Ge Zijian1, Rui Yongjun2, Zhao Shengtian2, Cui Qinghui2
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    2014, 36 (1): 170-180.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2013.10.28.01
    Abstract163)   HTML    PDF(pc) (2141KB)(513)       Save

    To study the feasibility of non-repeating acquired time-lapse seismic reservoir monitoring,this paper uses 3-D
    Gaussian ray-beam forward simulation to simulate and analyze illumination of reservoir,quantifies the impact of different
    geometry parameters on bin-received energy of reservoir,and finds that the main factors affecting the magnitude and uniformity
    of bin-received energy of reservoir are distribution of offset and azimuth,namely the magnitude of max-offset and the number
    of receiver-line. When velocity variation of reservoir has less effect than geometry parameters variation on the magnitude of
    cell-received energy,it is more necessary to conduct the conforming matching for geometry of time-lapse seismic datasets. The
    key point in this step should be rebinning and matching of distribution of offset and azimuth in bins. It has proved to be able to
    efficiently reduce the seismic respond deviation in non-reservoir and amplify it in reservoir by geometry-matching for a set of
    non-repeating acquired real data from block S56.

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    Gas Sources Condition of Gas Hydrate Formation in
    Shenhu Deep Water Sea Zone
    Su Pibo1,2, Liang Jinqiang1,2, Sha Zhibin1,2, Fu Shaoying1,2
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    2014, 36 (2): 1-8.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2013.10.16.01
    Abstract282)   HTML    PDF(pc) (798KB)(794)       Save

    To further study the gas source controlling factors of gas hydrate formation in Shenhu deep water zone of the northern
    in South China Sea,this paper focuses on the survey area of hydrate in Shenhu area,and analyzes the influence of various gas
    source supply conditions by the basic survey data and results of drilling in the area. The main results are as follows:(1)in
    the shallow area,about 400~1 200 m under the seabed,there are good conditions for biogenic gas formation and the potential
    Bio-gas source rocks,and it has great potential for the production of the biogenic methane gas;(2)in the deep area,the early
    Tertiary area,Wenchang Formation and Enping Formation are two main source rocks and can provide some thermogenic gas for
    gas hydrate formation;(3)Gas hydrate reservoir was formed in the deep areas,where deep thermogenic gas migrates upwards
    to shallow ground by faults or diapers,then,biogenic gas and thermogenic gas were enriched in the stability region of hydrate
    by lateral migration.

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    Characteristics of Tectonic Evolution and Distribution and Enrichment
    Patterns of Oil and Gas in the Chinese Marginal Basin
    Zhang Wei1,2, He Jiaxiong1, Yan Wen1, Zhang Jingru1,2, Li Xiaotang1,2
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    2014, 36 (2): 9-23.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2013.08.22.01
    Abstract231)   HTML    PDF(pc) (1189KB)(565)       Save

    The Chinese marginal basin is located at the most active Cenozoic era,which is formed by the interaction of Eurasia,
    India-Australia and the Pacific plates,and its southern marginal basin is still subjected to the impact of the South China Sea
    cracking and expansion and many other factors,so the rift-depression double-layer structure basins have formed,which have
    different types,such as extensional or composite strike-slip-extrusion type. The sedimentation has filled in the basin,which
    is mid-deep lake face strata and hydrocarbon source rocks in the early phase of the Paleogene rift Valley,coal-bearing strata
    and hydrocarbon source rocks in the late phase of the Paleogene rift,and marine strata and hydrocarbon source rocks in the
    Neogene depression,which has laid a foundation for oil and gas formation. Due to the impact of the regional geological setting,
    the characteristics and thickness of the marginal basin crust has gradually graded features from the continental margin area to
    the deep ocean basin area. The basin subsidence deposition center has gradually migrated to the deep ocean basin,which results
    in the terrestrial heat flow and geothermal field increasing gradually to the ocean basin,coupled with the space-time mutual
    coupling configuration between advanced new tectonic movement and source supply system,which ultimately controls and
    restricts the law of oil and gas distribution and enrichment in marginal basin.

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    Sequence Stratigraphy and Evolution of Sedimentary Facies of
    Upper Perma in Jiannan Area
    Yang Wei1,2, Hu Mingyi1,2, Gao Yan3
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    2014, 36 (2): 24-34.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2013.04.02.01
    Abstract212)   HTML    PDF(pc) (2170KB)(595)       Save

    Based on previous researches of sedimentary structure of Changxing Formation,and combining with reorganization
    of sequence boundary,logging and lithology data,Changxing Formation in Jiannan Area has been divided into two three-order
    sequences and five fourth-order sequences,the development of reservoir and transverse distribution of sedimentary facies within
    fourth-order sequence in Changxing Formation have been studied in this paper. According to the calibration of fourth-order
    sequence on seismic section and time-slice map of strata,taking system tract of fourth-order sequence as mapping unit,the
    evolution of sedimentary facies is also discussed. The results indicate that the lower three-order sequence experienced three
    times relative fall of sea level,the organic reef and bank mainly developing in the stage of HST;in the upper three-order
    sequence,exposed organic bank with lithology of dolomite is widely distributed,but the scale is smaller than that of lower
    three-order sequence and the distribution range moves to the central part of study area gradually.

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    Fracture Characteristics and Petroleum Geological Significance of
    Lianglitage Formation in Shunxi Area
    Ma Zhongyuan1, Huang Wei1, Ren Lidan1, Shang Kai1, Zhang Jie2
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    2014, 36 (2): 35-44.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2012.10.29.02
    Abstract160)   HTML    PDF(pc) (1485KB)(497)       Save

    Shunxi Area of middle Tarim Basin is located in the northwest pitching end of Katake uplift. Lianglitage Formation
    reservoir of Ordovician is mainly fracture-cavity reservoirs. The studies show that cracks can be divided into the structural
    ceacks and non structural cracks. The structural cracks can be divided into vertical fractures,oblique fractures(high angle
    fractures,low angle fractures)and horizontal fractures;the non structural cracks contain pressure dissolved stitch seam fractures
    and diagenetic fractures;the oblique fractures is relatively more than vertical fractures and horizontal fractures,and trend
    of oblique fractures is mainly NW,NWW,followed by NE. Structural fractures have three stages of activities:late Caledonian—
    early Hercynian,late Hercynian and Indosinian—Yanshan periods. Further studies show that tectonic stress field,
    fracture,lithology,physical property and layer thickness is closely related to the crack. The crack growth is conteolled by local
    structural high,key parts,turning point,the junction of the brittle fracture,lithology,physical property and thickness of strata.
    Cracks in the area have very important significance in petroleum geology,which can not only be used as good reservoirs,and
    also favorable channel and in some extent it can expand karst effect;in the oil and gas migration and accumulation process,
    cracks are good oil and gas migration channel for karst effect,plays a vital role in oil and gas accumulation.

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    Physical Simulation of Oil and Gas Backflow and Its
    Geological Significance
    Wang Yongshi1, Shan Yixian2, Lao Haigang3
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    2014, 36 (2): 45-50.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2012.08.30.02
    Abstract218)   HTML    PDF(pc) (521KB)(671)       Save

    The exploration practice proves that the phenomenon of the oil and gas backflow exists in Chezheng Depression,
    the physical simulation experiments of the oil and gas accumulation confirmed that there are two types of oil and gas intrusion
    in hydrocarbon migration process,i.e. fracture as migration channel and the sand body framework as migration channel,the
    former is the important channel of the oil and gas backflow,however molecular replacement is the formation mechanism,and
    the oil and gas pool is of small size. the latter in sand body framework for migration of oil and gas intrusion,is that pressure
    difference controlling petroleum downward migration is an important driving force. The desired maximum pressure depends on
    the related physical property of sandbody,and it can form large-scale oil and gas reservoirs. The research provides theoretical
    support for the expansion of deep oil and gas exploration in petroliferous basin.

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    Research on Chemical Logging Evaluation of Water Flooded
    Layer in Sandstone Reservoir
    Cai Dongmei
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    2014, 36 (2): 51-56.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2012.10.11.03
    Abstract217)   HTML    PDF(pc) (624KB)(523)       Save

    Evaluation on water flooded layer in the sandstone reservoir is a complex and difficult problem which has persecuted
    oilfield workers for many years. It is a new field of geochemical investigation for evaluating waterflooded layer by geochemical
    logging,which may be an effective and new way for finding residual oil in the secondary development stage. Based on the
    depth analysis on the mechanism of the watered-out oil layer,gas chromatogram,pyrolysis chromatography and coring data,
    the evaluation model of waterflooded layer and interpretation chart are established by calculating the parameter of porosity,oil
    saturation,oil displacement efficiency,and so on,which provides the quantitative calculation and qualitative identification for
    the evaluation method of waterflooded layer in the sandstone reservoir. The method is applied in the D group of C area in B
    Field of A Basin. The result indicates that the effectiveness is very great,with the agreement rate of 95percent compared with
    the result of well testing interpretation. The study revealed that the chemical logging method is applicable with great utilization
    value,which lay the foundation for the scheme adjustment and the enhancing oil recovery of the oilfield in the mid-late period
    of oilfield development.

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    Fracture Modeling at Different Scales Based on Convergent
    Multi-Source Information
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    2014, 36 (2): 57-63.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2012.08.30.11
    Abstract359)   HTML    PDF(pc) (875KB)(547)       Save

    For the fractured carbonate reservoir,fractures are effective reservoir space and primary channels. But the development
    of fractures is complex and the reservoir has strong heterogeneity. The normal geological modeling methods are
    not applicable to the fracture modeling. This paper takes X Oilfield in the Middle East Region as an example and establishes
    the technology of fracture modeling on a scale of fracture zones,medium-size fractures,and small-size fractures based on
    convergent multi-source information including geology,well-logging,seismic,and dynamic data. It is first proposed by the
    authors that the fracture reservoir facies model is established on the combination of the deterministic model and stochastic model
    method. Under the constraints of facies model,the development intensity bodies at different scale of fractures are established.
    Finally,a discrete fracture network(DFN)model and fracture property model are generated by means of DFN modeling and
    parameter field equivalence. In general,this paper discusses and studies a set of fracture modeling method converging with
    multi-source information on the basis of different scale of fractures for the complex carbonate reservoir.

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    Recognition of Single Channel in Composite Sand Body Based on
    Well-seismic and Inversion
    Xu Liheng, Hao Lanying, Liu Jiangyu
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    2014, 36 (2): 64-70.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2012.08.30.08
    Abstract153)   HTML    PDF(pc) (771KB)(505)       Save

    With the well pattern successively infills,the distributing tend of reservoir sandbody is gradually determined,the
    distributing characteristics of sandbody in vertical direction can be accurately recognized according to the logging data,but
    that in horizontal direction is difficulty to be identified. Aiming at the problems of the heavy tasks and the ambiguity on the
    recognition of a single channel on well-tie sections,the technique of well-seismic and inversion to predict the boundary of a
    single channel in composite sand body was proposed in the paper,and the river channel boundaries were further proved by
    the logging curve characteristics. Four typical indicators of the single river channel in composite sand body are recognized
    on the inversion sections,8 synchronous but not simultaneous single channels are identified clearly by sandstone poor belt
    conditions of the seismic inversion plan. With the single channel recognition achievement,good effects are obtained on the
    injection-production relation and remaining oil tapping,which shows a good application prospect.

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    Study on Gas-water Layer Identification Model in the Single Well
    of Xu 2 Gas Reservoir of Xinchang Gas Field
    Pang Heqing1, Kuang Jianchao2,3, Cai Zuohua4, Liao Kaigui4, Wang Zhong2,3
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    2014, 36 (2): 71-78.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2013.08.30.01
    Abstract169)   HTML    PDF(pc) (852KB)(480)       Save

    Xu 2 Gas Reservoir,which is in Xinchang Gas Field in western Sichuan Basin,is a typical low-permeability and tight
    clastic gas reservoir. Due to the complicated geological conditions and serious heterogeneity in this area,the gas-water layer
    distribution is very complicated,and the bound water’s content is high. The boundaries of resistivity between gas reservoir and
    gas-water layer are blurred,so that some mistakes arise in log interpretation. We use kernel principal component analysis and
    support vector machine,also known as KPCA–SVM model,which is based on particle swarm optimization(PSO),to solve
    the problem. Firstly,the model extracts non-linear properties of variables by kernel principal component analysis(KPCA),
    and then inputs the properties of a variable into the support vector machine(SVM). And in the identification process,we
    use the particle swarm optimization(PSO)to seek the optimization algorithm. Finally,the gas-water layer identification is
    implemented in the SVM. We applied this model to gas & water layer prediction of Xu 2 Member gas reservoir of Xinchang
    Gas Field,and the recognition result is in line with the actual situation of the study area.

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    Theoretical Simulation and Analysis Factors of Resistivity in
    Vuggy Reservoir
    Zhang Zhaohui1, Gao Chuqiao2, Gao Yongde3
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    2014, 36 (2): 79-84.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2012.08.30.14
    Abstract181)   HTML    PDF(pc) (508KB)(490)       Save

    Because of the many factors influencing the resistivity of carbonate reservoir and the complex conductive mechanism,
    it is difficult to identify the reservoir and interpret the property of fluids. On the basis of pore-structure physical model,
    we simulated the resistivity of reservoir,and analyzed the factors which affect the resistivity of reservoir. The factors include
    the throat size,the resistivity of formation water,and the resistivity of matrix,and the vuggy size,and so on. At last,the
    influencing degree to resistivity of reservoir is discussed and the reason of abnormal resistivity in carbonate is interpreted in
    this paper. The resistivity of reservoir gradually reduces with the throat diameter increasing,and increases as the resistivity of
    matrix and formation water increases. Vuggy extension influence on resistivity along the direction of the current is higher than
    that along the vertical current direction. With the vuggy size along current direction increasing,the resistivity reduces. The
    effect of throat diameter on the resistivity of reservoir is bigger than vuggy size. The effect of throat diameter on the resistivity
    of completely water-saturated rocks is bigger than on completely oil-saturated rocks,but for the resistivity of the matrix and
    the formation water,the extended direction and size of the vuggy,the condition is opposite.

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    Optimization Design of Horizontal Wells in Tight Sandstone Reservoir
    in Baimiao Condensate Gas
    Ma Qingyin1, Li Caixue1, Bi Jianxia2, Su Daomin2, Jiang Senbao2
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    2014, 36 (2): 85-90.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2013.11.05.02
    Abstract364)   HTML    PDF(pc) (861KB)(541)       Save

    Baimiao Gas Field belongs to a tight sandstone condensate gas reservoir which is characterized with complicated
    structure,deep burial,poor reservoir property,high content of condensate oil,showing small differential pressure,high formation
    pressure. Gas well fracturing stage generally has a higher capacity. But with the condensate blockage flow channel in
    the near wellbore area precipitation,the production fast declines and the stable production period shortens. The vertical well
    technology has been used in the development of the gas field,which is of low recovery degree and poor development effect.
    The development of horizontal well can increase the production rate and the recovery of gas reservoir. According to the geological
    characteristics of the gas reservoir,and through in-depth study of the geological characteristics,we recognize the local
    structure and the distribution rule of reservoir. Horizontal well test was carried out to study the development of this kind of gas
    reservoir. We optimized 2 horizontal wells and obtained initial effect which has a certain guiding significance for the rational
    development of tight sandstone gas condensate gas reservoir.

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    Optimization Technology for Horizontal Well Pattern in Ultra-low
    Permeable Tight Reservoirs
    Zhao Jiyong, He Yonghong, Fan Jianming, Li Shuheng, Wang Shitou
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    2014, 36 (2): 91-98.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2012.05.03.01
    Abstract250)   HTML    PDF(pc) (1020KB)(668)       Save

    There is abundant petro-resources with great development potential in the ultra-low permeable reservoirs located
    in Ordos Basin;however,it is difficult to increase the production rate of single well drastically as the formation is of poor
    reservoir properties and strong heterogeneity. According to the characteristics of ultra-low permeable formation,the study is
    carried out focusing on horizontal well pattern,well drainage direction,parameters of horizontal section and producer-injector
    spacing,to establish the effective displacement pressure system. According to the studies,the research results show that the
    well pattern is the crisscross row pattern,which is the joint cloth well for the horizontal and vertical wells;the artificial pressure
    crack pattern is the dumbbell-shaped;the density of artificial fracture is 2/(100 m);the length of horizontal section ranges from
    700 to 800 m;the producer-injector spacing ranges from 700 to 800 m;the row spacing is about 150 m. Based on the research
    results for the horizontal well pattern design,the average initial production rate of single horizontal well in ultra-low permeable
    reservoirs is about 8.0 t/d,which is 4 times of the average production rate of vertical well. This proves that this method can
    improve the well production rate of ultra-low permeable reservoirs drastically.

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    A New Method of Analysis of Low Permeability Reservoir Interwell
    Reserves Producing Status
    Sun Laixi1,2, Zhang Zonghui3, Wang Shili4, Luo Gang4, Deng Qingyang1
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    2014, 36 (2): 99-104.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2012.10.19.01
    Abstract247)   HTML    PDF(pc) (702KB)(496)       Save

    The existence of start-up pressure gradient of reservoir has a great impact on the reservoir producing extent,the
    bigger the start-up pressure gradient,the poor the the reservoir producing extent. Based on the mechanism of fluid flow from
    the low permeability reservoir,the relationship between the start-up pressure gradient and permeability relationship of the
    study area were established by the in-situ early bound water production performance of single-phase data and well test material
    and well test method. we also analyze a typical well group pressure driven between the injection wells and production wells
    gradient features. By comparing values of reservoir permeability and reservoir fluid permeability values corresponding to the
    size,we determine whether the fluid within the reservoir may flow. This quantitative analysis of low permeability reservoir
    interwell reserves producing condition provides the reference for determining interwell residual oil distribution provides of
    similar reservoir.

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    Research on the Match Between Lateral Accretion Shale Bedding
    of Point Bar and Flood Pattern
    Liu Wei1,2, Ding Yajun3, Song Zhicong4, Luo Shuiliang5
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    2014, 36 (2): 105-113.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2013.09.14.02
    Abstract204)   HTML    PDF(pc) (979KB)(469)       Save

    Based on the reservoir architecture model of Gangdong Oilfield,the matching between lateral accretion shale bedding
    of point bar and flood pattern is analyzed. The effects of different well networks on the development efforts are studied
    respectively,including vertical well,horizontal well and sidetracking horizontal well. The results show that,a better development
    effect can be obtained with a low ratio of injection-production wells and the line of wells vertical to lateral accretion
    shale bedding when row pattern is utilized for exploitation. In horizontal wells development,when the horizontal section is
    perpendicular to incident lateral accretion shale bedding,remarkable effects can be achieved. The horizontal section should
    be keep away from injection wells when sidetracking horizontal wells were drilled out for potential tapping. In this study,
    remarkable potential tapping results were achieved when the horizontal section was three lateral accretion shale bedding away
    from injection wells,and horizontal section crossing with lateral accretion shale bedding at a 45-degree angle. The results of
    study are applied to completion of injection-production pattern horizontal wells and sidetracking horizontal wells with the good
    effect of oil increment.

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