J4 ›› 2011, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (6): 48-50.

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Investigation into the Reasons of Symptom Recrudescence after Cholecystectomy


  1. People’s Hospital of Dayao,Dayao,Yunnan 675400,China
  • Online:2011-06-01 Published:2011-06-01


Objective:To analyze and investigate the causes of the syndrome recurences with post—cholecystectomy.Methods:124 cases patient ofthe syndrome recurrences with p0sf—ch0lecystect0my from JanuatT 2006 to December 2010 were retrospecti ely reviewed.Results:The caHses of syndrome recurrences after cholecystectomy include Vater bulb cutaneous 46 cases (37.1% ):f0ssa for gallbladder fluidify 28 cases(22.6%);stricture of common bile duct 1 2 cases(9.7%),cystic duct remnant 9 cases(7.3%)and all of two are 6 cases(4.8% ).The other reasons are stricture of common bile duct 8 cases(6.5% )and c3 stic duct remnant 9 cases(7.6% ).chronic pancreatitis and cancer of hepatopancreatic ampulla and SO on are 6 cases (9.7%).Conclusion:There are many reasons of syndrome recurences with postch0lecystectomy.Reduce the the recurrence rate after cholecystectomy should be conducted related examinalion before operalions,elaborative exploration and cut down rudimental biliary calculi.

Key words: cholecystectomy, syndrome recurrence, reasons analyrsis

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