J4 ›› 2012, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (9): 22-24.

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Remineralization of Artificial Demineralized Enamel by Extracts from Galla Chinensis and Galla Halepensis

Objective: To detect the hardness of artificial demineralized enamel treated with ethanol extract of Galla Chinensis and
Galla Halepensis. Methods: Caries models were established using chemical methods and treated with the extracts of Galla Chinensis and Galla Halepensis. The surface hardness was determinated using micro hardness tester. Results: The average surface hardness values are 345.4 kg/mm2, 330.6 kg/mm2 and 313.0 kg/mm2 respectively under the treatments of extracts of Galla Chinensis, Galla Halepensis and deionized water. Conclusion: Data showed both remineralizing capacities of Galla Chinensis extract (80 mg/mL) and Galla Halepensis extract (80 mg/mL). The Galla Chinensis extract exhibited stronger effects compared to that of Galla Halepensis extract.   

  1. College of Pharmacy and Chemistry, Dali University, Dali, Yunnan 671000, China
  • Received:2012-04-10 Revised:2012-05-27 Online:2012-09-15 Published:2012-09-15


Objective: To detect the hardness of artificial demineralized enamel treated with ethanol extract of Galla Chinensis and
Galla Halepensis. Methods: Caries models were established using chemical methods and treated with the extracts of Galla Chinensis and Galla Halepensis. The surface hardness was determinated using micro hardness tester. Results: The average surface hardness values are 345.4 kg/mm2, 330.6 kg/mm2 and 313.0 kg/mm2 respectively under the treatments of extracts of Galla Chinensis, Galla Halepensis and deionized water. Conclusion: Data showed both remineralizing capacities of Galla Chinensis extract (80 mg/mL) and Galla Halepensis extract (80 mg/mL). The Galla Chinensis extract exhibited stronger effects compared to that of Galla Halepensis extract.

Key words: Galla Chinensis, Galla Halepensis, enamel, remineralization

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