J4 ›› 2013, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (7): 78-81.

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Teaching Discussion of Rational Patriotism Education to College Students


  1. Yunnan Police Office Academy, Kunming 650223, China
  • Received:2013-01-09 Revised:2013-03-18 Online:2013-07-15 Published:2013-07-15


Nowadays, college students' expression of their patriotic emotion and the patriotic education in colleges are sometimes irrational. The study suggests that series of rational patriotism education like scientific patriotism, international education, domestic education, responsibility as a great nation and national security should be added into the "Basis of Morality Accomplishment and Law" curricula. It further put forward that new methodologies as seminar teaching, discussion teaching, audio-visual teaching and practice teaching should be conducted.

Key words: college students, rational patriotism education, teaching content, teaching method

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