J4 ›› 2013, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (9): 76-78.
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Objective:Tostatistically analyze the unreasonable prescriptions in pharmacy intravenous admixture service(PIVAS)in our hospital, to standardize clinical rational drug use, and to ensure safe, economic and effective intravenous medication.Methods: Irrational medical orders in 711 428 orders of PIVAS in our hospital were statistically classified and analyzed.Results:PIVAS pharmacists found and corrected existing clinical problems timely, and they effectively controlled and reduced adverse events caused by the irrational use of drugs. Conclusion: By the pharmacists analysis presscriptions, ensure safe and effective clinical medication.
Key words: PIVAS, irrational drug use, order analysis
CLC Number:
YANG Xiong-Chang, WANG Rui-Tao. Analysis ofIrrational Medical Orders in Pharmacy Intravenous Admixture Service of Chuxiong People's Hospital[J]. J4, 2013, 12(9): 76-78.
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