J4 ›› 2014, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (1): 16-19.
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Based on fieldwork and literature study, this article discusses the understanding of sacred sites of the indigenous Naxi people who live at Naxi villages around Mt. Yulong. The local people believe that the biggest sacred mountain in Naxi area is Mt. Yulong. There are diverse sacred sites around Yulong Mountain, i.e. sacred cultural sites of temple, sacred natural sites of mountain forest, sacred sites of cliff and cave, sacred sites for martyr of love, and sacred sites of ritual. The rich biodiversity of the sacred Mt. Yulong is facing threats now. Culture diversity and biodiversity coexist side by side while exerting influences to each other as well.
Key words: sacred sites, Yulong Mountain, biodiversity
CLC Number:
LI Si-Yu. On the Naxi People's Understanding of Sacred Sites: a Case of Naxi Villages around Yulong Mountain in Lijiang[J]. J4, 2014, 13(1): 16-19.
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