J4 ›› 2014, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (2): 85-88.
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From an investigation of the current state of the healthcare personnel in the rural areas of Dali, we found following problems exist: deficient number of rural healthcare personnel, irrational structure of the personnel, insufficient educational background, and challenges in recruiting and stabilizing personnel. Based on the observations above, to meet the increasing demand of rural healthcare we should implement the strategies of fostering rural healthcare workers, raise the attention to cultivating competent personnel, stabilize the rural healthcare personnel team, encourage further educate, increase policy favor for rural health workers and optimize our rural healthcare workforce.
Key words: rural area, health technology, team, current state, countermeasure
CLC Number:
WEN Bin. Reflections and Countermeasures of the Current State and Policies of the Healthcare Personnel in the Rural Areas of Dali[J]. J4, 2014, 13(2): 85-88.
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